View Full Version : Brain tumor worries.. again

14-08-17, 17:11
Hi guys, I'm not a frequent poster here but I come here when my HA is flaring up and i'm not feeling too good.

I'm currently on brain tumor worries.. I have been having a sort of 'brain fog' recently.. my memory is playing up a little bit. When I was on holiday a month ago I was completely fine and I had no anxiety whatsoever for two weeks... but when I am at home alone I start having intrusive thoughts and my HA flares up and I can't help but think the worst....

If I had a tumor it would be a lot more obvious than just a little brain fog?... Right? :weep: I have no problems with balance, facial expressions no weakness or anything of the sort.. I work a full 9-5 5 days a week job that requires me to interact with people and converse with people all the time. Surely I would notice more symptoms if there was something as serious as a tumor growing in my brain?

Sorry if I sound like a mess.. it's one of those days :weep: :weep:

14-08-17, 18:46
well while you were away on holiday, it seems like your anxiety was pretty much kept at a minimum, meaning you were less stressed and had less time to think about your symptoms. Now you're home and you have the time to think, and this is causing your anxiety to flare up. i mean it sounds like you're having anxiety induced symptoms, however if you're that worried go see a doctor thats the only way to get peace in mind.