View Full Version : Really worried about September 23rd 2017

14-08-17, 17:51
Hey all, been a long time since I posted here, first off I'd just like to say that I hope everyone is doing well and it is good to be back :)

Yesterday I came across a YouTube video of the usual every year "end times are nigh" topic, and since then I haven't been able to stop worrying about it, I was in a really good place with controlling my anxiety but this has just set me way back :/ I know I shouldn't believe what I read on the internet etc. But as some of you may understand that with anxiety there is always that "what if" frame of mind, I'm trying really hard to convince myself that nothing will happen but it is really hard, and what's making it worse is that I'm supposed to be going on holiday with my family to Blackpool on the 22nd September till the 25th September but now I fear going because I'll just be worried the entire day on the 23rd and won't be able to enjoy my holiday :( but if I don't go and nothing happens then I'll regret it, sorry for bothering you all with my silly paranoia, just had to get this off my chest with some people who can actually understand how I'm feeling.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post :)

15-08-17, 00:32
Hi! I don't know how to help you really other than to offer a virtual hug. But I looked up the video I think you mean - is it the one to do with star alignments matching up with a bible verse? I guess you've told yourself this a million times already, but there's literally no way it's correct. People make these videos all the time, and they never, ever come true. Hopefully you'll be doing enough to keep yourself busy on your holiday that you won't worry about it as much as you think you will.

15-08-17, 03:23
Remember the whole December 21, 2012 thing? Or June 6, 2006? They're just a great way for a lot of people to make money.

15-08-17, 04:45
Exactly which year is this supposed Doomsday? We had the same last year about this date:


So, he was wrong as we are still here and yet he was going through the same. Perhaps the world will eventually end by "a September 23rd" but which one? Last year? This year? Next year? Every year for the next 100 years & beyond?

Can anyone remember the film Strangedays with Ralph Fiennes? That was about the world reaching 2000. There was a radio telephone broadcast going on in the background at one point where the caller said the the world would end at the stroke of midnight to which the presenter asked "which time though, Eastern Standard?". I find that interesting given time differs for all of across the world.

You know it's only your anxiety latching on, that's clear from what you've said, and it's just spiked you. Work on relaxing and letting these thoughts go and you may hopefully find your anxiety reduces and you can get past this current trigger.

15-08-17, 15:03
First time I have heard about this 'end of the world' date and not really looked into it so I don't know what 'predictions' they have said will happen but it will all be nonsense!

December 21st 2012 was a very popular end of the world date and we are still here, the amount of different predictions there was for that was insane, the mayan calendar, planet x, alignment of the earth sun and was it a black hole (not 100% sure), but nothing ended the world then and there has been many many more 'end of the world' dates we have survived! Nothing will happen! :yesyes:

15-08-17, 15:19
Talk to ya on the 24th ;)

Positive thoughts

15-08-17, 15:54
I think everything will be okay. I had an old e-mail that ended in 72317 (numbers I didn't pick back in 2000) and when July 23rd rolled around this year, I stayed at home cause I was scared that the date meant something, but the day came and went and I am alive, my family is alive and all is okay in the world... Well, except the recent stuff. But at the end of the day 72317 meant nothing bad.

20-08-17, 20:13
I'm told that a comet is passing by on that date. Is that what this is about?

20-08-17, 20:53
I'm told that a comet is passing by on that date. Is that what this is about?

I think I recall Sept 2026 being because of a flypast too.

20-08-17, 20:58
Why are you worried about it? Does it really matter if human existence on this planet were to end? And if so why?

20-08-17, 21:40
Why are you worried about it? Does it really matter if human existence on this planet were to end? And if so why?

I'm due to pay my Amex on the 22nd...I think I will wait an extra day just in case! :noangel::yesyes:

21-08-17, 13:02
I'm due to pay my Amex on the 22nd...I think I will wait an extra day just in case! :noangel::yesyes:

HaaaHaaaa! Brilliant!:yahoo:

---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 ----------

Btw are you folks to the left of the pond getting the eclipse today?

21-08-17, 13:36
I think that it's just the lucky few in Hopkinsville, Kentucky who will get the limelight for this eclipse..and wherever The Donald is of course..Unless it's all fake news?:D