View Full Version : Checking behaviour?

14-08-17, 21:45
Since I became convinced I have bulbar, I have started visiting a certain ALS forum. I have not posted, nor do I intend to, but over the past couple of weeks it's gone from something I've done inadvertently through a google search to something I compulsively do every time I am near my laptop. I don't want to do it - it definitely feeds my anxiety - but I feel like I *have* to in case someone posts something that will either discount or confirm my fears.

I've blocked the site, but can still get there by opening an incognito window ... which of course I do, repeatedly, throughout the day. I'm almost superstitious about it; as though if I don't check, if I don't remain hypervigilant about this thing, I will somehow jinx myself, which is of course nonsensical magical thinking ... :weep::weep:

14-08-17, 21:49
All I can say is I also really struggle with googling symptoms . It a major issue for me and urge . I like you look for things that discount fears and will read same article 10 times sometimes to get assurance .it lasts only briefly .

We have to beat the urge but it hard. Folk just say don't google and you not helping yourself etc etc. I guess it a form of addiction or ocd

14-08-17, 21:53
It's compulsion. Feeling you have to, like an urge. Addiction is reward seeking behaviour, but there is an obvious similarity in the relief people are chasing from compulsion.

ERP. Structure elimiating it. It's what we do in OCD. Exposure. This may mean slowly eliminating rather than complete stop, as it's easier to do step by step rather than all at once. It might also mean exposure to such sites in a graded way to desensitise yourself. I suggest reading about ERP.

14-08-17, 22:05
Hmm, it hadn't occurred to me that ERP might apply to HA. Thanks, Terry.

When I'm on that ALS site, I am utterly convinced I have it. I feel like posting here is just my optimism at play. But I so, so, so hope this is anxiety

---------- Post added at 14:05 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

I mean, is my brain that suggestible that just reading about a symptom can create it? It doesn't seem feasible. It seems ... self-delusional

14-08-17, 22:14
What is erp and how can it help ? I want to beat the Google addiction also

15-08-17, 01:19
Hmm, it hadn't occurred to me that ERP might apply to HA. Thanks, Terry.

ERP is part of CBT and it's the standard for OCD treatment over here. If ERP fails, more intense CBT is recommended.

Since HA is a sufferers label that overlaps into OCD, ERP can certainly be used within the OCD context. However, it's useful for all anxiety disorders e.g. phobias like Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, etc.

Compulsion can be broken through cold turkey ("flooding", an older form of exposure therapy that's less successful) or gradual elimination like ERP.

Once compulsions are stopped, anxiety doesn't get as high. There is still the obsession to deal with but you already have a degree of control at that point.

---------- Post added at 01:19 ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 ----------

What is erp and how can it help ? I want to beat the Google addiction also

It's called Exposure Response Prevention Therapy, it's within CBT.

Here is a good guide that includes it by the NHS:


Scroll down for the part about removing avoidance & safety behaviours. But it can be used for reduction of compulsions too, it's quite diverse. For instance, if you had checking compulsions like I did you gradually restrict the number until you stop.

It's based on Pavlovian Extinction.

15-08-17, 02:25
Thanks, Terry.

15-08-17, 06:56
I'm having a lot of issues with checking at the moment. My fear is hair loss so I check my hair fall multiple times a day and count hairs that fall out. It sounds crazy and it is. I've decided to allow myself three times a day when I brush or run my fingers through my hair as these are the main ways I check. I am also going to stop counting hairs. I have decided to allow myself to ask a trusted person who will be honest with me once a week whether my hair looks thinner. I'm hoping this will gradually reduced my reassurance seeking behaviour. It feels like an uphill struggle but I relate to this idea of not being able to stop cold turkey and gradually setting manageable goals.

15-08-17, 07:46
Thanks you . Would that work for googling and also for checking your body. Both of which I do constant to try to get reassurance


15-08-17, 10:58
I think it would Ellie, but it's hard :( Ive fallen down already today. I think it's probably best done with the help of a professional.

15-08-17, 11:53
Actually it can have a 'reverse' and adverse effect by Googling symptoms as said it's always best to seek help via your GP/Specialist these professionals have had many years of training so that's my advice and help break the cycle too :) Cheers