View Full Version : Please help this worrying mama

14-08-17, 23:37
My 16 year old has always had a sensitive stomachs. She has struggled with nausea off and on for a couple of years. This summer she has been working at a camp and has had nausea constantly. She can still eat and drink but definitely smaller amounts. Because of my health anxiety my brain does not think rationally. My mind goes right to a brain tumour, stomachs cancer or some other awful disease. Every time she texts me and says she is nauseated I have a panic attack. I will take her to the doctor next week but I am panicked. Please help me

Pea Tear Griffin
14-08-17, 23:45
Stomach Cancer in a 16 Year old with no family history of it is basically 0 as Stomach cancer is caused by changes in the cells over time by poor diet and age so its a very rare one.

A Brain Tumor would have other symptoms not just feeling sick.

It sounds like she either has an allergy to something she is eating / drinking or could be H.Pylori.

Take her to the Doctor still because feeling sick is no fun but the chance of it being serious is very very small.