View Full Version : Is this right?

02-06-07, 15:44

Went to see doctor yesterday. Been taking 50mg sertraline for past 10 weeks. My dizziness has really increased and I am still feeling anxious all the time, sometimes it feels as if my legs dont work properly and I think I have "brain fog"!

Iasked the doc for something to help with my dizziness and he said there was no point as it could be a side effect from taking the sertraline.

I have to see my psych on Monday, she wants me to increase the sertraline to 100mg, I tried this but had panic attacks and really bad dizziness at this dose.

Do you think she might try me on something else. Does it sound like sertraline isnt working for me?

Could anyone give me any advice, especially anyone with experience of sertraline.

Cheers - Liz xx