View Full Version : For Heart worriers??

15-08-17, 13:35
I have read up a lot about heart attacks (back when I used to google, I got most information from survivor forums). The symptoms people have felt right before having one. So there's a ton and some that the media and preventative sites don't warn about. I get the reason why though.
Will I tend to freak out whenever I feel one of those symptoms: ie/ if they said their toe hurt (not a real symptom, I just don't want to give you guys a real symptom and then trigger you). So when my toe hurts I start thinking am I on a way to having a heart attack? Then I worry.

Right now I'm dealing with some big symptom, one I saw repeatedly. And I can't help but fear it's a heart attack coming. But deep down I know it's because I'm nervous. I have a big week ahead of me. Which is causing my body to react the way it is right now.

I mean do you experience this knowing what's a part of heart issues so you worry when the said "symptoms" happen to you? Did it happen to and how have you gotten over it as soon as you feel those triggering symptoms?

I know it's not right. I'm trying to calm my mind. Which I have. And symptom has passed right now. Heart rate is down. But oh my the pain.

anx mum
15-08-17, 15:06
I too am suffering with heart symptoms and chest pains gps don't know why? I'm having a ct angiogram on thurs to look at heart. My mental health dr thinks the pains are there but are from anxiety I'm finding this so difficult to get my head round cos the pains have been horrendous. I try not to worry but its so hard when your getting chest pain. Ive had chest pain before not exacly like this and was put down to anxiety

15-08-17, 15:15
You think way, way too much Hypomean. All the mental contortions you're performing are not helping you.

Any one who's had heart issues that I've spoken to says there's no mistaking the fact you're in trouble. Some people, in rare cases, do have milder symptoms that cause them not to realise, but even this feels very different to palpitations triggered by anxiety or chest pains related to things like posture or reflux.

Given the amount of Googling you say you've done over the years, how much more do you need to know? The steps you need to take are to get help, and if you want to maintain a healthy heart, look after it. Eat well and exercise. The heart is actually a tough organ. Look after it, and it'll look after you.

15-08-17, 17:39
Hypo, I totally understand. In the media, movies, TV, everywhere - we were always taught that the classic heart attack was chest pain, kneeling over, and holding your left arm. Unfortunately not enough studies were performed on women and heart disease back then, so now we know that women can experience many subtle/flu-like symptoms when having heart attacks. I've read the same articles and stories as you. There's a site out there that pops up in Google a lot called Heart Sisters and it's a freaking nightmare. As much as I see the help and work they're doing, it's triggering for someone like us.

Have you had heart tests in the past? I've had a 7-day monitor, multiple ecg's, and two echo's. My BP has never been a problem and I'm trying to stay more active. My dad's family has a strong history of heart disease, but I try to do as much as I can to reduce the risk I can't get rid of. Two weekends ago I thought I was dying because I woke up, went to the BR and felt 5 seconds (felt like an eternity) of chest pain. Chest pain I've never felt before. Sent me into a day-long panic attack where I was convinced I was dying. Well, here I am. Must have been reflux, or just anxiety, who knows. I try not to think about it anymore...