View Full Version : Angina?

15-08-17, 13:49
I was doing so well for months! I am so bummed at my new health worries. More so because this time, according to Google, it is the ONLY thing that it can be: angina.

I recently started working out again. It's a program called "insanity" and it's a pretty high intensity workout. While doing the workout I started to get this sharp pain below my left breast. This pain felt familiar as I know I have had it before during intense workouts. Ever since I was a teen. But I have always ignored it. Now I'm worried sick! I'm 29 years old now. Female, non-smoker, non-smoker, and otherwise healthy.

Does anyone get similar pain? It stops soon after I'm done working out. It's a text book case of angina unfortunately.

15-08-17, 14:15
Umm this stuff should be mentioned to your doctor.

I get pains in my chest when I first start up a new workout. Usually it's due to not breathing right, and not warming up your body. Do you do 20-30 minutes of a warm up before you start the program?

15-08-17, 15:09
I tried to recreate the chest pain by doing the same workout today, but nothing. I'm guessing it happens whenever I start something new?

15-08-17, 15:26
I have heart disease and Angina. It's been shown on tests and I have symptoms. I have meds I can take when I experience pain from it (which happens a few times a month typically).

You just don't fit the demographic... sorry :)

Positive thoughts

15-08-17, 17:49
Are you stretching properly Kat? If you're new to exercise, it might be shocking your body and you will feel odd aches and pains in random places. If it's something that's been happening since you were small, maybe bring it up to your doc, could be something minor but worth getting checked out. In no means or way am I saying this is your case, but I will share my story. I've had random aches and pains near my ribs and back with exercise all the time. Turns out I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a child, for some reason my parents never felt like telling me... and my pediatrician never did either. It wasn't until I collected all my medical records recently that I found out. Not worried or concerned about it at all, it's mild and non-life threatening. It's just good to know now.

15-08-17, 18:55
If you had angina katniss you would really, really, know it.
Must be something else. See your GP if this continues.

15-08-17, 19:03
Thank you for the responses everyone! I really do hope it's nothing but some minor muscle ache. To be honest, I can't tell if it's even pain. It's never hurt enough for me to stop exercising.

anx mum
15-08-17, 22:16
This is my worry at moment I'm concerned about angina I have a stitch like pain under breast and have had pain down arm its really worrying. I'm more unhealthy I'm overweight ex smoker don't exercise like I should