View Full Version : What is going on with my eye

15-08-17, 14:18
So my left eye seems to have this extra crease which I think pushes my lid down. I don't think it's technically drooping. Also that pupil looks smaller. I mentioned it to my GP and she saw what I was saying and said maybe allergies and to use eye drops and allergy medication. She also said I could have stretched the skin on the lid as well. I am constantly messing with my left eye. The eye drops do help and she did a basic eye exam and everything was fine. I know we can't be symmetrical and all that. Does anyone else have this? She said it's not neurological since I have no other symptoms. Of course my anxiety tells me I have a brain tumor. I can take a picture if anyone needs to see it. Also it comes and goes.

15-08-17, 14:34
Hi Supermom first up don't think any one would need to see a pic and you are right we aren't symmetrical there will be differences subtle ones, but still differences try and believe what your GP is telling you these are trained for many years and know what they are doing and the difference we aren't medically trained. If you still doubt your Gp then get a second opinion and good news you haven't got a brain tumor :) Are you on any meds for your HA and Therapy that would be way to go on this maybe CBT Therapy! Cheers