View Full Version : Sinus

02-06-07, 18:45
Not sure if this is the right place, but does any one else suffer from sinus problems.

My sinus seem to be blocked alot of the times, and was just wondering if any one else sufferers from this and what do you use to help relief the pain.


03-06-07, 08:03
I have the same problem for 8 years now. Its rhinitis and awful sinus pain spreadiag all over my teeth, face, etc.

No treatment works and docs say it's vasomotor rhinitis, which means that it's unkonwn or of nervous origin. I've seen hundreds of different doctors about this, and one lately suggested to operate my deviated septum and turbinates, but I fear it won't cure me either and cause me that much extra suffering. Whatever the reason it is exactly the same as having chronic nasal and sinusal infection all the time.

I simpatize with you and if you find a remedy please let me know...

03-06-07, 08:30
When my anxiety is high I get terrible sinus problems, my teeth and face hurt so much. My doctor told me to snort (yes snort) salt water yuk but it does work. You will need to ask your doc or pharmacist but it always helps me.

You get a glass ½ teaspoon of sea salt and fill the glass with warm water wait for the salt to dissolve and the water to cool then pour some of the water into the palm of your hand and snort the solution up your nose :wacko: makes your eyes bloody water:emot-crying: but does help, this needs to be repeated about 4 times twice a day until your symptoms improve.

As I said do seek advice before doing it as I am not a doctor:doh:

Love Sam

03-06-07, 08:37
Lord yes..We live in allergy central.We are right in the middle of sage brush country and god knows what else is growing here.Its not that unusual for sinus people to suffer with them most of the year especially during this time of the year.I myself have weird headaches and of course the ever present pounding of my heartbeat which im sure if can hear my breathing and my talking then sinus causes it to be magnified.

We thought we had it bad in a tropical climate this climate makes that one look like fun..we suffered there but not near as much since I guess we grew up in that climate so we have to adjust to a new one.

I would see a doctor and ask for the type of sinus relief med that you can take with whatever med you are taking already and whatever else you might suffer from ..Even a pharmisist can help,just tell them what you take what you are allergic to and whatever else like medical problems and they are usually better than a doctor in helping with drug reactions and so on ..especially since they are the ones depensing them..Yes to answer your question my wife and I have suffered with them for long periods of time and in both climates so I wouldnt worry to much about it..

03-06-07, 09:23
this is funny,

because i have had sinus/catarrh problems for years and years (probably my whole life!) and i never take anything for it as i dont like any non-urgent meds, only use olbas oil on pillow and clothes. also my husband gets it through the summer - so probably hay fever related and he moans and moans and takes decongestants like theyre sweets!

to get to the point, i started private cbt 6 weeks ago and on one of the handouts was a list of symptoms, and on it i couldnt believe was catarrh!!! i was amazed as id never read about this being a symptom anywhere else.

so i was pleased because i didnt worry about it but it is nice to know that it is also part of the anxiety, so when i am managing it better (starting to slowly) the catarrh will clear up as well! hooray!


03-06-07, 12:58
i agree with lookingforanswers,i never did suffer with allergies till a few yrs ago and now especially when its pollen season which is very high now, headaches stuffy nose drippin and have a hard time breathing,its just awful.....nothing we can do here here tho............best to ya......linda xx