View Full Version : SCared of tetanus, stepped on shower plug.

15-08-17, 18:41
So idk if this is dumb but I'm on holiday abroad and I stupidly stepped on a shower plug that was the wrong way. I have a tiny red dot on my foot and now am worried about tetanus. What is the likelihood of this? I'm trying to find a doctor to see but since it's a foreign country I can only see one tomorrow and I'm worried it'll be too late to get the preventive shot. On the other hand it would ruin the holiday to go to the ER

15-08-17, 18:42
Shower plug covered in rust? If yes, verrry low probability. No rust? No tetanus possibility.

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15-08-17, 18:51
What is the likelihood of this?

Better chance being hit by lightning...

Positive thoughts

15-08-17, 18:54
You won't get tetanus from a shower plug. Also with you being in the US you are probably still protected from your last tetanus shot!

15-08-17, 19:07
How old are you pt? Most likely, you've had your tetanus shot like Lizard mentioned. Every few years you need to get a booster shot to keep you protected. If you've kept up with your shots, you most likely are still protected :) Even so, wash the area well and don't spend too much thinking about it!

15-08-17, 21:20
The only issue is I can't remember when my last shot was. I got the ones when I was younger but that's it. It's literally as big as a pinprick but I'm still worried that I'll get it. Also me seeing a doctor for it would ruin vacation because in the country I'm in the only option is hospital. But is tetanus rare? Or do I have a high chance of getting it? Trying to figure out if it's worth ruining the trip if the risk is minimal.

15-08-17, 21:31
You can't get tetanus this way, though.

15-08-17, 22:28
The tetanus shot is good for 10 years - and that's just the recommended timeline to get a booster. In reality, it probably lasts much longer than that.

I'm betting you're covered, and unless the shower plug was absolutely filthy and all rusted out, or if the wound is oozing or infected, you'll be fine.

Make sure to clean the wound well and put a band-aid on it and all will be well.

15-08-17, 23:14
Its very very rare. My dr. has never seen a case in 40 yrs of practice.

16-08-17, 09:40
Thanks all. I'm just stressed because I'm in this country and literally don't think I could see a doctor for days and if I could it would cost a lot. With the language barrier I don't think I could explain this to them. But my family says normal household metal that is clean and only causes a tiny red dot shouldn't cause it, because then if so everyone would have it. I might have to take my chances, it just really stresses me out being on holiday without access to medical care

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 ----------

Update: just checked and I received five childhood doses and a booster dose around 10-11 years ago. I know it should be within ten years and preferably five but I hope that should be ok

16-08-17, 17:17
Anyone think I could have it

16-08-17, 17:20

Enjoy your vacation!

Positive thoughts

16-08-17, 18:39
You're about as likely to have it as I am of getting pregnant.

And that's very unlikely. I never get laid.

16-08-17, 18:49
Thanks all. I'm just stressed because I'm in this country and literally don't think I could see a doctor for days and if I could it would cost a lot. With the language barrier I don't think I could explain this to them. But my family says normal household metal that is clean and only causes a tiny red dot shouldn't cause it, because then if so everyone would have it. I might have to take my chances, it just really stresses me out being on holiday without access to medical care

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 ----------

Update: just checked and I received five childhood doses and a booster dose around 10-11 years ago. I know it should be within ten years and preferably five but I hope that should be ok

The NHS don't even do boosters anymore. That might suggest their thinking on how uncommon it is. :winks:

My dad used to work in landscaping so would be getting cuts on a daily basis. The only time he was given tetanus jabs was as a pure precaution when injured due to farming equipment.

16-08-17, 18:50
I have not had a booster way over 10 years and I have been cut with all sorts of metal over the years, tetanus is EXTREMELY rare!

16-08-17, 19:17
I work in a horse stables where tetanus should be rife according to the books. I've had loads of cuts and scratches over the years, been bitten and kicked, had my toe broken by being trodden on by a flipping great hoof the size of a dinner plate, stood on rusty nails and probably eaten god knows how many horsey germs along with my lunchtime sandwich - but contracted tetanus? NO!!! :winks:

17-08-17, 01:09
My husband is almost 36 and hasn't had a booster since he was 11. He works a very dirty job and always cuts himself and no one is worried about him. You'll be fine!

17-08-17, 02:24
You're about as likely to have it as I am of getting pregnant.

And that's very unlikely. I never get laid.

:roflmao: When was your last period? If you haven't had one in awhile, maybe you should take a pregnancy test ;)

31-08-17, 13:04
Guys I'm getting this fear again. I got some jaw pain last night and now am thinking my jaw is sore or hurts to open. Wondering if it could be the beginning of tetanus?

31-08-17, 13:11
I posted this close to 5 months ago. You're still spiraling around over every niggle.

The truth is, we could give you pages of advice and suggestions but in the end it comes down to you acting on it.

My advice would be to seek professional real life help. My daughter is your age and suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me and told me what was going on. I, along with her mother, made sure she got the real life professional help she needed. Between therapy and meds and a lot of hard work, she's gotten her anxiety and depression under control. She just graduated college and got her first job in her field of study (education). She has her moments but she's learned techniques to deal with them.

There's a certain amount of comfort here knowing you're not alone in your struggles and it can be cathartic to write them out but it's not a replacement for real life help. And, having real life help makes you more accountable to helping yourself.

In the mean time, why not download the FREE CBT course being offered all over the forum?

You can access all the CBT workbooks, 56 Videos and emergency audios and Therapist/Patient Dialogues at the following URL


Positive thoughts

31-08-17, 13:23
You're right right, the stuff that has happened in my life recently has put me over the edge. I am seeing my therapist today for the first time in a while. But I still feel my jaw is super tight and I feel guilty about not keeping up with my booster shots, I feel like it means I deserve to get it

31-08-17, 14:54
Your therapist would want you to challenge that thought. You're clearly a good person, so you don't deserve to get tetanus. I haven't kept my booster up either, but I don't for a second think that means I deserve to get tetanus.

Let's try to apply some rationality here. Tetanus is rare. It requires a particular set of circumstances to get it, and even then there's no guarantees. What you're describing doesn't cause tetanus. I know it's hard to believe that right now, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to believe it. Nor does it mean you shouldn't keep reminding yourself.

This fear of yours is irrational and not based in reality.