View Full Version : Is this even anxiety anymore?

02-06-07, 22:28
This past month I have just started suffering from alot of anxiety. 'What if' scenarios have been running through frequently and I've been experiencing de-realization and strange emotions. I realize that these are normal symptoms that come with anxiety but I've also been having strange thoughts that are starting to really scare me.

I've been wondering if things are truely real or if im dreaming this all. I have fears that I'm permanently damaged in the brain or that people are all just playing it off like nothing is wrong with me when in reality they really think Im nuts. I know deep down that these are probably untrue but the thoughts just keep popping up and it seems like I can't get rid of them. That probably seems really strange and I've been scared that I'm going off the deep end and its not anxiety anymore. Also things dont seem quite like they used to and I dont feel like I normally would going about places.

Does anyone else feel this way?

03-06-07, 23:12
OMG can I relate to your post. I seriously have been feeling lately like I am losing my mind. The anxiety has just been out of control, but more than that is the feelings you were talking about. I feel very out of it, and confused about what is going on around me. There I times I look at myself in the mirror and I have no clue who I am. Or, I will look around the house and not feel that I actually live here. I have confided in a few people about this, and they all tell me it is because I am so stressed and doing too much... But I wonder. I think they are scared to tell me im nuts. I do not have any deep profound advice, but reading your post made me feel more normal, so I hope this helps you as well.

03-06-07, 23:47
Have a read of the symptoms page on the left - this will explain it.