View Full Version : Morning Anxiety

16-08-17, 10:28
I cannot seem to get away from this because it's like I have no time to prepare to calm myself before I wake up. The second I open my eyes it's there. This time and into early afternoon is when my daily anxiety is at its worst.

In the morning I have ALL my usual physical symptoms of anxiety (and more) and it stops me doing anything productive in the morning unless I absolutely have to. I have a 3 year old so I do have to get up and do stuff, but I would love to feel good enough to just get breakfast etc done and go out. Instead all my symptoms make me feel too 'ill' to do anything until later in the day when I absolutely force myself and can semi-convince myself my symptoms won't kill me.

The sheer dread in the pit of my stomach is horrendous. Palpitations, short of breath, sweating but chilly, feel like I haven't rested, nausea, stomach issues, shaking etc. The whole ordeal restarts every day when I wake up.

I'm not on any medication except for beta blockers, but I am falling out of like with them now as 1) They don't do that much for me and 2) I know they make me even chillier!

I do have my first CBT appointment tomorrow, but I feel like if I could wake up one morning just feeling 'normal' grogginess without the impending doom, I could be a lot more productive and happier in my day.

Any suggestions on abating the morning anxiety?

16-08-17, 11:13
Therapy will really help you. I don't know much about beta blockers, I won over anxiety without medication. Pills are a quick fix. The grogginess is probably from the meds. Enjoy life, your child and look forward to another day on earth Life is to short to live like this. Have a cup of tea, meditate, watch the sun rise or listen to the birds greet the day. Only you can do this for yourself.

16-08-17, 12:28
I have no option but to get up and get on with things as if I don't get things done there will be chaos (my daughter is autistic). The physical symptoms of anxiety aren't harmful or red flag symptoms. The more significance you give them the worse they will be.

16-08-17, 12:36
I really appreciate both of your honest replies, guys.

Snowghost, well done to you beating it without the pills. So far I have been too anxious to start anti-depressants because I don't know how I will cope with the starting effects. I would really like to get this thing under control with therapy alone, but trying not to put too much pressure on myself if that doesn't completely hit the mark.

Pulisa, that's a lot to deal with, really good for you as well. Sending you and your little girl lots of positive vibes. Thank you for the reassurance :hugs:

16-08-17, 13:41
I TAKE 3MG LORAZEPAM every morning at 6 am) at 9am i am a space cadet and life is anything i want it to be. the reason i can take 3mg lorazepam in 1 go and not pass out is because i have been on them for 40 years , i can't see me detoxing now. Sure you get tolerance i am 6mg a day. i am pretty sure if i hadn't took them 40 years ago the state i was in i would have topped myself, its not a death sentence to be hooked on benzo,s only if you dont get tolerant and stick to a dose could be 2mg a day or 10mg it is what it is life or death:wacko::wacko::wacko:

16-08-17, 17:22
I really appreciate both of your honest replies, guys.

Snowghost, well done to you beating it without the pills. So far I have been too anxious to start anti-depressants because I don't know how I will cope with the starting effects. I would really like to get this thing under control with therapy alone, but trying not to put too much pressure on myself if that doesn't completely hit the mark.

Pulisa, that's a lot to deal with, really good for you as well. Sending you and your little girl lots of positive vibes. Thank you for the reassurance :hugs:

Thank you Cece. My girl isn't that little now-she's 26!!-but it's always been like this. Meds are a personal choice but certainly not essential. You've just got to get yourself to a place where you believe your physical symptoms are "just" anxiety and not harmful at all and therapy could help you do that. Benzos are useful for really bad times and help you feel human again when emotions are running high and logic goes out the window but they are not a long term answer for managing anxiety. The fear factor is your real "enemy" with anxiety and it thrives on attention and hypervigilance of physical symptoms.

You can learn to manage your anxiety and I know you will, no matter how impossible it might seem at the moment xx

17-08-17, 05:52
Morning anxiety really is the most awful way to start a day. It's something I experience every morning for the last 4 months. As soon as I wake, there it is !! I don't have the demands of young children to attend to, and can go outside and watch the sunrise, listen to birds, drink tea, try and be at peace, but inside I still churn and my mind wants to throw at me all of those worrying thoughts. I try and remind myself this will pass. It always does !! Sometimes within an hour, sometimes longer. But it always passes. Unfortunately, it's always there to greet me the following day.

17-08-17, 08:07
For some people anxiety is literally constant at whatever time of the day so the fact that you have some relief from it must be a comfort in some small way.

17-08-17, 08:53
Yes, you are right, I hang on to the belief that it will pass. I discovered a quote by the most insightful lady, it's become an important mantra for me. I have copied it below. Perhaps these words will be of help to others.

"Breathe. You’re going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you’ve been in this place before. You’ve been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you’ve survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can’t break you. They’re painful and debilitating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon, they are going to fade and when they do, you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience. I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass. I promise it will pass."
— Daniell Koepke

17-08-17, 09:48
Thank you so much for this guys. Fidget - I love that quote, thank you, I have copied it to read when I need to.

Pulisa - thank you for your kind words. It's my first therapy session this afternoon so I'm actually quite looking forward to it, although it will be tough to spill the beans.

I have asked for Benzo's over the last few months when my own skin has become unbearable and I felt like I needed to see a crisis team at hospital, but nothing. I can see why they don't want to prescribe them though, I do get it, but sometimes I feel having that in times as intense as those would actually be safer.

17-08-17, 13:58
Thank you Cece. My girl isn't that little now-she's 26!!-but it's always been like this. Meds are a personal choice but certainly not essential. You've just got to get yourself to a place where you believe your physical symptoms are "just" anxiety and not harmful at all and therapy could help you do that. Benzos are useful for really bad times and help you feel human again when emotions are running high and logic goes out the window but they are not a long term answer for managing anxiety. The fear factor is your real "enemy" with anxiety and it thrives on attention and hypervigilance of physical symptoms.

You can learn to manage your anxiety and I know you will, no matter how impossible it might seem at the moment xx
I have tried for 45 years i must be going wrong with my chronic anxiety. its a part of your brain like all mental illness and if it dont want to play ball then your screwed:wacko:

17-08-17, 14:11
I've lived with it for longer than that and yes, it's how I'm wired but I still have managed to be a carer to my daughter and just have to get on with things no matter how bad I feel. I am my own worst enemy at times and know that it is my own response to physical symptoms which keeps them going.

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

I do hope that your first CBT session has gone well, CeCe

17-08-17, 17:56
fear factor???????????? my anxiety manifest itself without fear its ever present in my body and brain, its an illness just like any other but lasts a lifetime. i have a nurse that visits every week even though its only to nick my tea and biscuits, they must think i am ill or something. If your older than me 69
do you look after your daughter with you husband has he must be retired?Carer payments stop at retirement so you must struggle. i have my wife a shed load of kids and grandkids that keep my from flipping out big time . Benzos get a poor review most AD are addictive so what the difference. ITS NICE TO BE IMPORTANT BUT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE :bighug1:

19-08-17, 09:48
I do hope that your first CBT session has gone well, CeCe

Thanks so much pulisa. Turned out it was just an assessment so a little draining, but also cathartic. I hope you're having a good day.

19-08-17, 19:14
Hi all...

I totally relate. I've suffered anxiety for 15 years but this morning I woke up at 6am with the worst anxiety I've felt in a long time. Finally called the dr. today and was told meds will likely make you feel worse before you feel better. I can't risk feeling any worse as I don't know if I can manage.

I tried all the exercise, drink tea, be good to yourself etc. etc. Doesn't seem to help but still, I go on.

We've all been / go through it and I think I will give a lot just to feel normal for a day.

I feel for everyone.

20-08-17, 08:59
Hi all...

I totally relate. I've suffered anxiety for 15 years but this morning I woke up at 6am with the worst anxiety I've felt in a long time. Finally called the dr. today and was told meds will likely make you feel worse before you feel better. I can't risk feeling any worse as I don't know if I can manage.

I tried all the exercise, drink tea, be good to yourself etc. etc. Doesn't seem to help but still, I go on.

We've all been / go through it and I think I will give a lot just to feel normal for a day.

I feel for everyone. Meds are not always worse before better, even so is a route to getting better, surely that better than what you have now:wacko:

20-08-17, 09:24
Morning anxiety is bad. I get it in cycles. It's coming in now, as usual beginning September, it won't lessen now until March. Sometimes the docs are helpful, sometimes not. Then it's up to me to sort out. Family should understand by now, but they don't.

21-08-17, 11:24
I'm sorry your family don't understand, Binashubby. I'm really lucky in that I have family support and I can't imagine what it must be like for you to be in that situation. Is yours a bit like Seasonal Affective Disorder? Or do you have some anxiety all the time?

Some mornings it takes all of my strength not to just hide under the covers.

broadstone, I feel the same way - I don't know how I would manage possibly feeling worse that I do now, that really scares the heck out of me. I feel like I don't have 2-3 months to wait for them to work, but if I don't start soon, I know I'm just prolonging it. I'm just between a rock and a hard place.