View Full Version : Salivary Gland Cancer?!?! HA strikes again.

16-08-17, 18:47
I am freaking out; again. First I was convinced that I had diabetes, then I was convinced that I was having a heart attack, then a stroke, then skin cancer, now i'm convinced I have salivary gland cancer. A few years ago (i'd say about 3 or 4 years ago) I noticed a lump INSIDE my right cheek about the size of a marble. It cannot be visible by looking at it; but it can be felt by pushing down on the outside of my cheek and pressing it the inside of my cheek with my toungue. It moves around and I have read that it's a good sign. It's rubbery and absolutely painless. On the left side of my face; I had noticed a tingling sensation which is bareley noticable sometimes (almost fees like if some 'film' or something is touching my face; especially around my lip, cheek, and eyebrow area. I also experience occasional pain in my parotid gland (gland right infront of ear). I am scared that I have cancer. I've googled (I know; BAD idea), and I've read that a tumor on parotid artery can also affect the nerves in the face. I have not noticed any face drooping nor swelling in the gland on the left side of my face. The only swelling I have is the one in my right cheek. I am so scared. I am also leaving for college really soon, so I wanted to get this taken cared of as soon as possible. I have an appointment with my GP on the 29th and hopefully she will see what to do or refer me to an ENT. So nervous. Please someone help me calm my nerves. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I talked to my GP about the lump in my cheek last year and she said that it was just a swollen gland and it should go down by eating sour candy; I have and it did not go away.

17-08-17, 11:04
So then you Googled your symptoms and salivary gland cancer popped up. Would you have ever even considered that before you Googled? I'll bet you didn't even know anything about salivary gland cancer. Be guided by your doctor not by Google.

06-03-19, 11:40
hi Pamela. I hope you are doing fine. Do you have any updates about this issue? i am currently having simillar symptoms and waiting for ultrasound results so pretty scared. Thanks!

06-03-19, 11:44
Martin, this user was last on around 18 months ago, so I think you'll be lucky to get a response.