View Full Version : Numbness...anybody else? Freaking out about MS

16-08-17, 20:11
Hi all,

Been dealing with health anxiety for some months now but I have had new symptoms for the past couple of days that are really worrying me that I have MS.

I started developing a numbness in my left shoulder that would come and go throughout the day. Since yesterday though I have also developed a numbness in my left buttock. This seems to be a stronger numbness, so much so that when I pinch both buttocks with my fingers my right buttock hurts with no pain in the left one.

I am so worried that this is MS.

Has/does anybody else experience this?

16-08-17, 20:49
I'm not belittling your HA but this sounds trivial compared to what a person experiencing the onset of a serious neurological condition like MS would have. There would be real muscle weakness for a start and other signs and symptoms which I won't list here.

Numbness from posture is a far more likely scenario Ben.

16-08-17, 22:01
It's appeared out of nowhere though. And I do get regular Weakness sensations in my right shoulder and right ankle (opposite which is strange) that a physio cannot explain.

16-08-17, 22:48
Get an MRI.

16-08-17, 23:55
Unless he can afford to pay privately for a scan, this poster stands no chance of getting anywhere near an MRI machine.

17-08-17, 08:08
My buttock numbness has stayed throughout the night into this morning, unfortunately.

Josh, I had a MRI of only my brain (not my spine) over a year ago when I had consistent dizziness and vision symptoms.

17-08-17, 10:41
Hi Ben, I haven't seen you around lately. �� Have you spoken to anyone about your anxiety?

17-08-17, 12:39
Hi swajj. I have, I'm waiting on CBT which is a long waiting list. The doctor preescribed some physio as she recognised my perceived weakness.

As I write this my right leg has started to go numb below he knee. I'm sick of this

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

Hi swajj. I have, I'm waiting on CBT which is a long waiting list. The doctor preescribed some physio as she recognised my perceived weakness.

As I write this my right leg has started to go numb below he knee. I'm sick of this

17-08-17, 13:40
As I write this my right leg has started to go numb below he knee. I'm sick of this

Do you know that adrenaline released due to stress and anxiety can play havoc with circulation? It's one of the factors causing tingling and numbness so many people with high anxiety and panic complain about. Adrenaline release serves purpose of constricting blood flow to skin/extremities and diverting it to vital organs like heart and lungs etc during fight or flight response.

17-08-17, 14:09
That's a good explanation KK. I think people with HA need explanations like that. If you can say to yourself "it's just adrenaline causing the numbness and tingling" it reduces your fear long enough to allow you to be less anxious. And of course the result of being less anxious is less symptoms.

17-08-17, 14:13
Do you know that adrenaline released due to stress and anxiety can play havoc with circulation? It's one of the factors causing tingling and numbness so many people with high anxiety and panic complain about. Adrenaline release serves purpose of constricting blood flow to skin/extremities and diverting it to vital organs like heart and lungs etc during fight or flight response.

This is extremely true for me. Anytime I am anxious I get tingling. If I notice the tingling, I focus on it and make it ten times worse. I always think I am having a stroke -- not the fact that I am panicked over something or the fact that my muscles are sore from working out :roflmao:
My anxiety is good today so it's easy for me to laugh it off. If there was something seriously wrong with you, you would know -- not be unsure. Keep your head up and make sure to talk to your doc about therapy. You'll be just fine no matter what comes at you

17-08-17, 14:31
I feel that I handle my anxiety fine when it comes to the adrenaline/panic side of things. I was very 'content' before the numbness occurred. Anxiety just doesn't follow logic

17-08-17, 17:07
I feel that I handle my anxiety fine when it comes to the adrenaline/panic side of things. I was very 'content' before the numbness occurred. Anxiety just doesn't follow logic

I'm not only referring to debilitating panic attacks and high anxiety - even low level but persistent anxiety that you're not necessarily consciously aware of (ie, tension) will eventually take its toll and manifest as numbness, tingling, electric shock/buzzing/weird sensations and so on. It is a complex disorder because our bodies and minds are complex systems.

17-08-17, 19:53
My lower left back has now gone numb. What the hell is happening? All on my left side and I'm struggling to believe that it's a coincidence.

Humour me, could MS spread this fast?

17-08-17, 20:02
MS is actually quite a difficult disease to diagnose. Some people experience sudden onset of symptons, while others go years with strange sensations that eventually lead to a diagnosis. There's a wide variety of symptoms and sensations that sufferers experience, and it affects people in many differing ways. The disease itself has different types.

In my mum's case, she went to bed with tingling and numbness in her foot, and woke up with it all the way up her leg and in her arm and the side of her face. It was a very fast-moving attack. She was diagnosed pretty quickly, although it took a couple of years for the specialist to be 100% certain. For what it's worth she was diagnosed very late at age 46, and is now 63 and relatively ambulant.

Nobody here can tell you what your symptoms are. But what I can tell you is that I experienced plenty of numbness, or perceived numbness, when I was having my breakdown. The doctors were baffled as to why I kept claiming to feel numb. Anxiety does this to us. But if you want to get it investigated, you'll have to go to the doctor.

17-08-17, 20:06
I'm sorry to hear about your Mum but I must say it has freaked me out a lot as that's what's happening to me I feel! Did her numbness come and go and what did they do to diagnose her?

17-08-17, 20:12
It most certainly did not come and go. This was an attack. It got worse and worse very quickly and she was admitted to hospital. A neurologist's initial diagnosis was MS, which was confirmed gradually over a period of weeks and months. She struggled, and continues to struggle to control her right leg, which has a mind of its own.

But it's two decades on she lives well with it. She isn't in a wheelchair and she has a good life for someone with a serious neurological disease.

I honestly don't believe that what you're describing is anything like what happened to her. It sounds nothing like it to me. Your description comes with the usual vagueness that often accompanies anxiety symptoms.

17-08-17, 20:26
Thanks for sharing that with me.

Did she end up having an MRI?

17-08-17, 20:26
My buttock numbness has stayed throughout the night into this morning, unfortunately.

Josh, I had a MRI of only my brain (not my spine) over a year ago when I had consistent dizziness and vision symptoms.

Then good news - you don't have MS.

17-08-17, 20:31
Then good news - you don't have MS.

You could say that but my spine was not examined

17-08-17, 20:49
Thanks for sharing that with me.

Did she end up having an MRI?

She had two. In her case, both were inconclusive.

But having said all this, I don't think it's at all relevant to you as you don't have MS.

18-08-17, 03:45
So I went through this! My face went numb and I freaked out. But I learned a lot! I had an MRI and a VER both showed I was fine. Did you know both Anxiety and migraines can cause numbness?

18-08-17, 08:04
So I went through this! My face went numb and I freaked out. But I learned a lot! I had an MRI and a VER both showed I was fine. Did you know both Anxiety and migraines can cause numbness?

I knew it probably can but not to this great deal. My left abdomen has started too now. So that's my left shoulder, left buttock, left lower back and left abdomen now

18-08-17, 10:07
Ben do you have periods when the numbness isn't present? Doesn't it seem odd to you that all the new numb areas are happening one after the other?

18-08-17, 10:17
Ben do you have periods when the numbness isn't present? Doesn't it seem odd to you that all the new numb areas are happening one after the other?

Hi swajj, I wouldn't say that there are times where the numbness isn't present but I would say that there are moments where it's less 'intense'.

18-08-17, 10:46
I don't know a lot about MS Ben. I went through a period when I thought I had it. I was driving home from work in my car and both of my legs were tingling. The tingling was so intense and did not let up at all during the hour drive. I drove straight to my doctor. He examined me briefly reflexes etc and said he was 99.9 percent sure I didn't have MS. By the time I walked out the tingling was virtually gone. Throughout the years I had HA he would always tell me that serious disorders did not come and go they just got worse. Server error more or less said that about his mum's MS.

I don't know if I asked you this before but what made you come to a Health Anxiety board in the first place? Had you experienced unwarranted health concerns in the past?

18-08-17, 10:54
I heard that the most common MS 'comes and goes' though. I don't know this categorically as I've banned myself from googling health conditions.

And ironically it was from googling that brought me here. I started when I played football one night and I got a tightness in my chest. It was an intense game so really put my heart to the test. The tightness remained for days after where I started to get mildly concerned. I was reading about conditions on my phone and got smacked with dizziness as I was shopping. To cut a long story short I researched dizziness, thought it was MS got told it was anxiety and googled 'anxiety MS' which brought me here

18-08-17, 11:11
Thanks for answering Ben. I think I told you when you were around before that my HA was severe and lasted for 3 years. It's easy to sit here and try to convince someone why anxiety is the most likely explanation for their symptoms. It's another thing entirely to accept that when you are the one experiencing the symptoms. Your chest pain was probably due to something like Costochondritis and probably would have passed in a day or 2. However you started to worry the pain might be heart related and that was the trigger for your HA. That's what I think anyway. I'm not a doctor or a psych just someone who lived the nightmare for years. The fact that your numbness, tingling etc appeared after the incident when you experienced chest pain and after you Googled lends pretty strong support to the probability that you have HA.

18-08-17, 11:17
I hate myself for googling as the tightness did go away. This was started in May last year so it's been over a year.

What I hate is that I'm one of the unfortunate ones who experiences real physical symptoms and that's something I cannot ignore.

The numbness I have has been one of the worst however as I struggle to believe anxiety when the numbness is on one side of my body on a large scale

18-08-17, 11:21
btw I know what you think Ben. You think "how can this possibly be anxiety. There is no way that this numbness/tingling etc etc is not real". I thought that way all the time and it always turned out to be anxiety.

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

Lol I was writing my last post about knowing what you think as you were writing your post about struggling to believe it is anxiety.

18-08-17, 11:23
My trouble is I'm an engineer. I'm wired to look at problems and see direct correlations using data and analysis. I really struggle with anxiety symptoms as it's something that cannot be 'tested' in black and white.

I just don't know how anxiety will make the brain say 'I fancy making your leg numb for a bit'. I just can't accept that

18-08-17, 11:48
I don't think anyone understands HA entirely Ben. I have had the dizziness you speak of so badly that I have had to sit down in the shopping centre while my husband finished the groceries. I needed to hang on to him as we walked around because I felt like I would fall over if I let go. That went on for months.

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ----------

But is it really numb? If it was numb would you be able to just walk around without losing your balance?

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

You need to see someone about your anxiety. You've had it for a year. You aren't just going to wake up one day and it will be gone. You need to change how you think and you need a professional to show you how. Just because you are a logical thinker doesn't mean you are exempt from being affected by anxiety. My husband once told me that I was the most logical person he had ever met and he couldn't understand how illogical I had become.

18-08-17, 12:16
So how did you succeed with your HA?

I'm on the waiting list for CBT but unfortunately it's a 9 month waiting list

18-08-17, 12:33
I went to a psychiatrist. He made me promise that I wouldn't Google anything to do with my health so I stopped. He helped me identify my catastrophic thinking and taught me how to change it. I got better slowly. There are no quick fixes. It's unfortunate that you have to wait so long to get help.

You stopped coming here for quite some time. Was it because you wanted to avoid reading threads that might trigger your anxiety?

---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

btw you didn't answer, if your leg was truly numb don't you think it would affect your ability to walk normally etc? Does it?

18-08-17, 13:13
I've been getting tingling and burning in my left foot and left hand for the better part of 3 months. I've also been having random dizzy spells for the past month and have even had some night time urinary frequency. I'm supposed to get an EMG today.

I have a hard time accepting that this is all just anxiety too, that being said I'm hoping that's all this is. Best of luck on your end.

18-08-17, 15:23
My trouble is I'm an engineer. I'm wired to look at problems and see direct correlations using data and analysis. I really struggle with anxiety symptoms as it's something that cannot be 'tested' in black and white.

I just don't know how anxiety will make the brain say 'I fancy making your leg numb for a bit'. I just can't accept that

What you can or can't accept has no bearing on what's objectively true or not.

But anxiety doesn't actually just "decide" to torment you. The mind and body are not separate entities. The mind is, ultimately, biological, just like your legbor your stomach. Your brain is directly connected via nerves to the rest of your body, and your body directly responds to your state of mind. Anxiety is partly a nervous disorder, so nervous stimulation, or the complete opposite resulting in numbness can occur.

There are several reasons you might experience numbness through anxiety. One reason is that anxiety affects the way we breathe. Not breathing correctly can directly lead to numbness. But it can also be psychosomatic. The mind is powerful. Intense fear of a symptom can help to create it and worsen it. I feared the globus sensation. I was terrified of having choking fits in public. This was before it had even happened, but it wasn't long before it became reality. It's a common anxiety symptom.

The point is, your numbness, or perception of numbness, can perfectly logically be linked to anxiety. I too experienced numbing sensations during my breakdown. Mine were in my left arm and the side of my face. I was actually in hospital when this happened and I had the doctors baffled as to why I was so adamant that I was losing sensation when there was nothing to indicate any serious illness. In the end, they investigated, and perfectly logically attributed my symptoms to anxiety, whereby my breathing patterns and mental state were creating and exacerbating symptoms.

Regardless of how "in control" hou believe you are, that is not always a great barometer of how things really are. You strike me as deeply anxious (you remind me of me) and I feel as if you expect something terrible to happen and are now latching on to this. I wouldn't personally be against you going to your doctor again to get this numbness explained to you, although there's still a good chance you'd be back here after the reassurance wore off. You're struggling to cope with the little gaps in certainty, in this case created by the fact your medical knowledge is not as deep as your engineering knowledge and you can't apply your ways of thinking to this situation. It sounds to me like you need learning to live with and manage that. Anxiety is often about learning to accept and live with things we can't fully understand, control or be certain of.

27-10-17, 21:05

I’m having a really horrible night. I had a tingling in my right leg that started out of nowhere. It started in my calf and now in the space of two hours has spread to my glute. I’m really worried about what ServerError said about his Mum. I hate this

27-10-17, 21:28
Hi guys.

Having an absolutely terrible night. My right leg suddenly started to go tingly. It started in my calf and it has now spread all up my leg in the matter of two hours. Since it has now started on the right side of my face and my right hand.

Really freaking out and feel that I’m being attacked. Trying my all mighty most not to have a panic attack over this.

27-10-17, 21:58
You've been having these symptoms for a considerable time - there is nothing "sudden" about this, Ben. You've also had tests and seen doctors, correct?

Your anxiety is playing up again. You've been here before. So let go of these MS thoughts. You would have had serious symptoms like failing to get up from bed by now.

27-10-17, 22:00
posts merged

27-10-17, 22:18
KK I understand, but my whole leg getting tingling is a brand new symptom and it’s got me seriously worried.

I strictly stop myself from googling about conditions so don’t know much about MS in terms of onset’s etc

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

Also, I feel extra terrified as everything that happens is always my right side

28-10-17, 08:17
Hi Ben, how are you feeling?

I really wish I could say something to ease your mind but I know very little about the progression of MS and I won’t Google for obvious reasons. Hopefully Server Error or Josh will see this thread soon and help you out with your panic.

28-10-17, 12:21
Hi Swajj,

My leg starts to feel cold now, and I’m walking a bit funny. Was hoping to wake up to nothing but unfortunately not

29-10-17, 00:33
The good ole MS fear. It happens to the best of us.

No, seriously, do a bit of digging (but I advise not to) around these parts and you'll sharp learn that MS is a pretty common fear amongst HA sufferers. Can you say you have HA if you've never feared MS? :winks:

I'm making light of it, I know, but someday, I hope you'll look back on this with humour.

I've dealt with the MS fear. My hands went "numb" a few years back. Not numb to the point of not being able to feel anything. Just an odd feeling like I constantly wanted to shake them out or something. Initially, I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (which is basically a trapped nerve and not serious at all) and later, severe health anxiety. I'm telling you this so you understand how HA can function.

After being diagnosed with CTS, and following some "MS-related questions" by my doctor to eliminate the possibility, I did a bit of digging, didn't I? I found out all about the various symptoms of MS. Next thing I knew, I was being positively bombarded by symptoms. They couldn't get enough of me. :roflmao:

Needless to say, I was a wreck. My legs and hands went freezing cold-I felt like a cold ice water tap had been turned on inside of them-and nothing I did warmed them a bit. My face went numb. I tingled. I felt dizzy. I saw flashes in my eyes. Electric zaps. I was at the doctor every day for a week. Yes, really, dead set on my "diagnosis" and demanding answers for which the only one available and correct was the one I would not accept.

"Anxiety can't cause this! I wasn't anxious when I got the numb hands!" I declared in one of my many fits. I was so certain it was MS because I read about it on the internet and the internet said so. So, there, Mrs Doctor. :blush::lac:

It wasn't until I accepted it being what it was did I start to feel a little better. I know it can take its toll, and anxiety has a knack of showing up in bizarre ways (funnily enough, in the precise ways that will scare us the most) but it gets better. Trite, I know.

It's been a few years now, and I've yet to be diagnosed with my disease du jour. Either, it's taking a very long time and I've been meeting some incredibly incompetent doctors, or I don't have MS. I'll let you decide which is the most likely option.

I guess that's enough of my tangent for the night. :shades:

What do you mean by numbness, exactly? True numbness in the way that it would apply to MS would mean not being able to feel anything. Not hot or cold water, a light or hard touch, a pin prick, etc. My doctor told me that what they look for in MS diagnosis is a "loss of function."

Coldness, numbness and tingling are all linked to anxiety rather heavily, actually. See your doctor, if you can and be honest and open about the anxiety and the symptoms that you are experiencing. They should be able to better explain the mechanics behind anxiety and why it makes our bodies react the way they do.

29-10-17, 00:53
Hi Swajj,

My leg starts to feel cold now, and I’m walking a bit funny. Was hoping to wake up to nothing but unfortunately not

That it keeps happening on one side of your body is probably a good indication of a musculoskeletal problem - perhaps even a trapped nerve. I still suffer with a trapped nerve after a neck injury. Mimics a neuro illness, I know, but rest assured, after all the tests you've had, it's NOT.

29-10-17, 01:06

Been there, done that, still doing it lol. I had an MRI done (you can check out my thread with all my symptoms lol). I have had health anxiety for about 5 months now. I freaked out about ALS Parkinsons and MS. All the neurologists I’ve spoken too have told me that I don’t have MS. I am currently dealing with a weird vibration feeling in my right heel, it’s been happening for about 6 days now off and on. It scared me and it wasn’t until AFTER I was told that MS symptoms have to last 24hrs to be even considered and not off and on throughout the day, and they also have to present with significant muscle weakness as well. See what the mind can do, I learn about the 24hr rule and no my heel wants to act up for a week, coincidence? I think not lol. I wouldn’t worry about MS. I would worry more about circulation or a pinched nerve. I know it’s hard to focus on “easy” solutions but try. Remember the general population has a 0.1% chance of developing MS in their lifetime. (It’s not even 1%, it’s less then that!) Good Luck!!!

Stay Sane, Stay Positive, It will get better!!

29-10-17, 01:26
The good ole MS fear. It happens to the best of us.

No, seriously, do a bit of digging (but I advise not to) around these parts and you'll sharp learn that MS is a pretty common fear amongst HA sufferers. Can you say you have HA if you've never feared MS? :winks:

I'm making light of it, I know, but someday, I hope you'll look back on this with humour.

I've dealt with the MS fear. My hands went "numb" a few years back. Not numb to the point of not being able to feel anything. Just an odd feeling like I constantly wanted to shake them out or something. Initially, I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (which is basically a trapped nerve and not serious at all) and later, severe health anxiety. I'm telling you this so you understand how HA can function.

After being diagnosed with CTS, and following some "MS-related questions" by my doctor to eliminate the possibility, I did a bit of digging, didn't I? I found out all about the various symptoms of MS. Next thing I knew, I was being positively bombarded by symptoms. They couldn't get enough of me. :roflmao:

Needless to say, I was a wreck. My legs and hands went freezing cold-I felt like a cold ice water tap had been turned on inside of them-and nothing I did warmed them a bit. My face went numb. I tingled. I felt dizzy. I saw flashes in my eyes. Electric zaps. I was at the doctor every day for a week. Yes, really, dead set on my "diagnosis" and demanding answers for which the only one available and correct was the one I would not accept.

"Anxiety can't cause this! I wasn't anxious when I got the numb hands!" I declared in one of my many fits. I was so certain it was MS because I read about it on the internet and the internet said so. So, there, Mrs Doctor. :blush::lac:

It wasn't until I accepted it being what it was did I start to feel a little better. I know it can take its toll, and anxiety has a knack of showing up in bizarre ways (funnily enough, in the precise ways that will scare us the most) but it gets better. Trite, I know.

It's been a few years now, and I've yet to be diagnosed with my disease du jour. Either, it's taking a very long time and I've been meeting some incredibly incompetent doctors, or I don't have MS. I'll let you decide which is the most likely option.

I guess that's enough of my tangent for the night. :shades:

What do you mean by numbness, exactly? True numbness in the way that it would apply to MS would mean not being able to feel anything. Not hot or cold water, a light or hard touch, a pin prick, etc. My doctor told me that what they look for in MS diagnosis is a "loss of function."

Coldness, numbness and tingling are all linked to anxiety rather heavily, actually. See your doctor, if you can and be honest and open about the anxiety and the symptoms that you are experiencing. They should be able to better explain the mechanics behind anxiety and why it makes our bodies react the way they do.

This is a fantastic post. One of the best I have read here. When I was dealing with HA the thing I was most desperate for was explanations. I was luckier than most people because I had the most wonderful GP who would spend time explaining to me why my symptoms could not be whatever illness I was convinced I had. When I first joined here there was a member called Meg (I think she was a nurse) and I used to search out her posts for the same reason. I guess there is a bit of reassurance seeking in that but it was having someone take the time to address the symptoms I had by explaining how anxiety can mimic the symptoms of real illnesses that proved enormously helpful to me.

---------- Post added at 08:56 ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 ----------

btw I read a lot of posts here and can honestly say that the one written by cleverlittleviper could have been written by me. I have rarely read anything here that I could relate to so easily.

29-10-17, 02:18
Please please please read through the stickied post about all the MS sufferers up top. By far the most powerful thing you'll read on here in terms of what you're going through.

I've been having the same exact fears for months now only to see two neurologists, have an EMG and an MRI (/w and without contrast brain + cspine) only to be told I'm perfectly fine.

Like you, I have mostly unilateral symptoms primarily focusing on my left side. Since seeing the neurologist things have significantly improved but I still have odd days here and there. For example my left calf has been vibrating off and on all day and the left side of my head feels tingly (like i'm getting goosebumps) off and on as well.

For me, the only relief I got from my constant OCD like fear of MS was to go to the doctor. Try to be rational. As someone else said, unless you've completely lost function, its very unlikely to be MS. The fact that you're having panic attacks would point straight to anxiety.

Take comfort, you're in good company.

Also, this helped reassure me at times. Watch this guy and listen to his story. It's almost comical, helped cheer me up.

29-10-17, 14:57
Also, this helped reassure me at times. Watch this guy and listen to his story. It's almost comical, helped cheer me up.

That's an amazing video. That is SO helpful. I have been through all of that. And it's coming back again. Amazes me how common it is to get these symptoms, and it's just your own mind doing it.


30-10-17, 05:53
Ben, it wasn't long ago you were on the ALS forum, trying to convice the people dying over there that you had ALS. Now you're here convinced you have MS. I please hope you see this destructive pattern.

30-10-17, 08:58
Ben, it wasn't long ago you were on the ALS forum, trying to convice the people dying over there that you had ALS. Now you're here convinced you have MS. I please hope you see this destructive pattern.

Are you sure it’s Ben?

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

If it is you that Josh is referring to Ben then you have to know that it is disrespectful to post on those forums. Please get help for your anxiety Ben.

04-12-17, 09:38
Are you sure it’s Ben?

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

If it is you that Josh is referring to Ben then you have to know that it is disrespectful to post on those forums. Please get help for your anxiety Ben.

Are you sure it’s Ben?
---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------
If it is you that Josh is referring to Ben then you have to know that it is disrespectful to post on those forums. Please get help for your anxiety Ben.

Yes, unfortunately, I was over there scared I had ALS, the same scare I posted on here. In fairness, there is a whole category dedicated to DIHALS (Do I have ALS?) where there are constant posts from worried individuals asking and posting their symptoms. I donated to the cause and parted ways with the site.

I do strongly think I need to see a neurologist as the muscle in the front of my lower leg (soleus?) always stiffens up when walking and I still get perceived weakness to the point where I have to concentrate hard to stay upright sometimes.

Last night I also started getting cold feelings all down my right side. Sick of having physical symptoms but I'm strongly panicking that I have MS, the kind that comes and goes. How often is the coming and going of this kind? My doctor has actually referred me for an EMG of my leg but strongly doubt this will show up anything MS related, would it?

I know I had an MRI but that was just of my brain and not my spine and also before I developed any physical symptoms. I think I would find more comfort in just sitting down with a neurologist.

04-12-17, 10:26
At least you’re honest Ben. :)

I know very little about EMGs Ben but I know a lot about health anxiety. You say you still have perceived weakness and have to concentrate in order to stay upright and not fall over. If you had weakness capable of making you fall over do you honestly believe that concentration would stop you toppling over Ben?

Those of us who have experienced the fear of having a neurological disease always manage to account for those periods of time when our symptoms are absent. We don’t say “well I didn’t have symptoms for 2 days therefore I must not have MS or ALS or whatever”. Instead we say “maybe I have the type that comes and goes”. lol

Go and see the neurologist Ben, you’ll feel better after you talk to him. For a little while anyway. Then make that appointment to see a mental health professional that I advised you to make so many months ago.

04-12-17, 11:32
I'm hope my GP will let me see a neurologist.

The thing that keeps me worried is that it is all down one side of my body. My left side is, and always has been, completely unaffected

06-12-17, 21:24
I'm dealing with the same type of symptoms. Persistent numb patches, EVERYWHERE and weak right arm and leg plus dizziness. I'm praying it's a vitamin deficiency of some sort, although I'm seeing a neurologist soon. It's only taken 6 months!!

07-12-17, 09:11
I'm dealing with the same type of symptoms. Persistent numb patches, EVERYWHERE and weak right arm and leg plus dizziness. I'm praying it's a vitamin deficiency of some sort, although I'm seeing a neurologist soon. It's only taken 6 months!!

Best of luck and keep me updated please :winks:

07-12-17, 17:00
This dude Ben thinks neurological disease's just sit dormant in the body for years apparently lol

08-12-17, 09:12
So you recognise Ben from the ALS forum Josh. I guess you accidentally clicked on it. :emot-rolleyes::emot-rolleyes: