View Full Version : I just wanna talk about all my symptoms;

16-08-17, 22:42
Hi y'all, just wanna hop on here and talk about how I'm feeling. Hopefully, some of you can relate and offer some guidance. I normally stick to the Health Anxiety subforum, but recently it's stomach issues that are causing me pain.

Currently feeling a burning ball of fire stuck in my throat as we speak. I'm not really sure when this all started, or how. I guess I pinpoint it to 2015-ish? I've never been the kind of person to get heartburn. Mind you, I love my hot sauce, marinaras, anything with red roasted pepper. I now try to control those things now, but it seems like anything gives me heartburn and reflux nowadays, even a morning granola bar or orange juice.

My symptoms really scare me because I'm starting to think I can develop esophagus cancer or worse. I also sometimes fear my symptoms because women's heart attack symptoms are very subtle- things like heartburn, back pain, stomach pains, diarrheas, vomiting, etc. I find that I'm having reflux on most days, and it's starting to disrupt my life. I'm 27 and carrying TUMS and Alka Seltzer like an older lady (no offense to older women). I mostly feel very SOB (short of breath), this tightness around my chest, uncomfortable full feeling (mostly after eating- even small portions). I've also recently started to get the occasional chest pain that lasts about 5 seconds but feels like an eternity. Usually a fast and pinch-like kind of pain right in the center. Not always, but it sometimes radiates to my back or left arm. See why I think it's a heart problem?

I feel like I'm burping 24/7, often with some regurgitation, (sometimes it feels like just liquid coming up, water? other times it's acidic and burns a lot, other times it feels like food coming back up too). I just feel this chest pressure most of the time. It can sometimes radiate to my ribs. It's so uncomfortable. I also have nausea, and it prevents me from wanting to eat. Last but not least, recently I've been having bouts of not-so-firm mustard-yellow stools, with pains on my right side. Usually (pain) goes away after the bowel movement. Of course, I googled and I see that it could now be bile from gallbladder stones or something wrong with the pancreas.

I'm really hesitant to tell my doctor because I know she will send me to get an endoscopy or colonoscopy or both. I really don't want to be put under or go through those procedures. I'm trying to find natural remedies or tips that can help me get by. But I am not sure how much I can take. I do attribute a lot of these to my anxiety because I find that during stressful times all these symptoms get worse.

---------- Post added at 16:42 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

I also wanted to add that the majority of these fast weird bowel movements are before meetings at work, presentations, celebrations, anything that gets me nervous or anxiously excited for. It sucks :weep:

16-08-17, 22:43
I have all of your symptoms, except my abdominal pain is on the left, not the right.
It sucks. I'm considering a social media break to see if that helps, as the news has been causing me great depression and amping up my anxiety.
Not sure if the political atmosphere does that to anyone else, especially if not in the USA, but if you think it might, it helped me to read this (a therapist talks about physical symptoms from anxiety). It's short but insightful.


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16-08-17, 22:53
I feel for you and have most of these symptoms. Heartburn being one of the main. Do you ever get burps that smell like egg? If ever you want to message for a chat, let me know x

17-08-17, 00:57
Sounds like reflux and ibs. Can I ask how old you are? I ask because cycles and hormones can make these things so so very much worse

Pea Tear Griffin
17-08-17, 15:47
Yup have all of that on and off its just Anxiety causing a stomach upset :)

Acid in the throat don't always burn it can taste like water as you say.

You might have GAD which causes 24/7 symptoms like me but mine rotate to head then stomach.

23-08-17, 17:59
Thank you all for the kind replies. Lizard, I am 27. I find that sometimes it does get worse during my cycle. I'm really starting to think and agree with y'all that I have GERD and maybe anxiety induced IBS. I'm going to look into home remedies and natural things I can try first before a doctor tries to shove pills down my throat ;)

30-08-17, 04:34
Yes, GERD and IBS. I deal wiht the same thing in cycles. I will drink kombucha when I'm feeling this way which helps me burp and reduces the gas/acid making me feel better much more quickly. Also ginger tea is very helpful.

---------- Post added at 22:34 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

Oh!! And digestive enzymes taken before meals!!