View Full Version : SPIRALLING SO BADLY. Severly upset.

17-08-17, 00:58
So I just came back from a two day holiday and before I went I noticed these round rash like purply/red patches on my foot, I worried a little bit but didn't pay too much attention to them and then I just got back home tonight and noticed a similar spot on my forehead (a little less noticeable) and so I googled.

Skin lymphoma came up and other types with an extremely similar picture to what I have on my foot though mine seems a little fainter. I'm panicking through the roof, I'm so upset. I have recently been using a different soap but I really don't think thats it. It could be but I'm not sure. Some one please help, my heart has fallen into my stomach. I know little about this type of cancer. I'm so bloody terrified.

---------- Post added at 00:43 ---------- Previous post was at 00:34 ----------

The patches look exactly like mine and their in a similar position, oh god this doesn't feel good :(

---------- Post added at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------

okay I'm not going to freak out, the pathes seem like they have faded a bit over the last few days and not spread. i'll give it a few days before I run to the doctor. I feel fine, and I'm trying to think about my aunt who started getting extremelyitchy pathes all over her body and she was fine. Mine don't itch and they've faded a little. What brought them on I have no idea :(

---------- Post added at 00:58 ---------- Previous post was at 00:50 ----------

"Skin lymphomas are rare. Fewer than 10 out of every million people in the UK develop a skin lymphoma each year. Although skin lymphomas are a form of cancer, in many cases they are very slow growing and do not affect life expectancy. They behave more like a long-term (chronic) skin condition than like a cancer." okay this made me feel a bit better,

17-08-17, 02:37
Interesting. When I googled your symptoms, I didn't get any of that.

17-08-17, 02:41
Since you were on holiday it sounds like you got into something you were allergic to and it will go away in time. Or it might be dermatitis especially if you were using soaps or sleeping on fabrics that are not your own and you might be allergic to soaps