View Full Version : Health Anxiety really getting to me, any help would be great! Lymphoma/Leukemia scare

17-08-17, 00:49
Hi everyone,

My health anxiety has sky rocketed the last few months,
It all started with dizziness and headaches and an overall malaise. I have went to the doctor many times, and gotten CT scans, an MRI, multiple bloodwork, and everything has came back normal except for the creatinine levels on one of my blood tests and then my lymphocytes were just at the high end of normal values. This still makes me nervous considering me I have terrible anxiety and my dad had lymphoma. Other symptoms include weight gain and a stiff neck.

Now after a few weeks have passed without any symptoms, my lymph nodes have started to hurt. I am a pretty heavy drinker(although trying to cut back or stop) and also got prescribed ativan for anxiety/insomnia about a week ago (Been taking regularly). However, I go on to google and scare myself into thinking I have something wrong with me almost every night and I can not help myself. I don't know if I actually feel like this or if it is just my anxiety making my body react to like I would actually have it. I have also had a small lump on the left side of my neck for about a year or so now. I had an ultrasound of my neck a little over a year ago because of an enlarged node however they did not find anything. I showed my doctor this and he said it could possibly be a lipoma and that if it gets any bigger we can have it looked at or taken out. Again I feel like it is getting bigger but dont know if that is true or just my anxiety

First blood test showed an absolute lymphocyte count of 3.1 and the second of 3.4(while my AG ration and creatinine were back to normal). Both times my doctor said this still isnt necessarily "high", is this true??
Could I have had just been going through a virus or something?

Like I said my health anxiety is out of control lately, just looking for some help.

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

17-08-17, 21:22
Any help??
Just worried