View Full Version : Brighter Vision?

17-08-17, 05:56
Hey everyone!

Sorry to be posting so much right now, just a newbie.

Has anyone every dealt with things seemingly being brighter or a little sharper?I get this randomly throughout the day and I'm always nervous it is a sign I'm going to faint. Though there usually aren't any other symptoms.

Gary A
17-08-17, 11:12
Hey everyone!

Sorry to be posting so much right now, just a newbie.

Has anyone every dealt with things seemingly being brighter or a little sharper?I get this randomly throughout the day and I'm always nervous it is a sign I'm going to faint. Though there usually aren't any other symptoms.

Classic fight or flight mode symptom. Part of the fight or flight mode involves vision, whereby your pupils dilate in order to give you better and sharper vision to detect danger.

Usually your pupils expand and contract to comfortably deal with whichever type of light setting you're in, but when the fight or flight mode kicks in it kind of overrides that and suddenly your pupils dilate in brighter light settings.

Its actually showing you that your body is responding perfectly to what your mind is doing.