View Full Version : Head pressure, unsteady feeling, muddled thinking

17-08-17, 08:44
I have been an HA sufferer for many years and have had these feelings lots of times but sometimes it helps to know if others get it too. I'm not usually forgetful but lately I seem to forget what I was about to do, or look for etc. My balance feels off and my head feels pressured and 'foggy'. I sometimes stumble over my words. I have been going through a stressful and anxious time with tests and scans with my ovaries, so I am very hyper aware at the moment. My thoughts jump to the worst things possible.:lac:

17-08-17, 21:11
I'm with you on the foggy head and pressure.
Do you clench your teeth? I get the head pressure when I clench them hard and for long periods of times.