View Full Version : Found a lump!

17-08-17, 10:24
So yesterday I was lying on my side in bed and just happened to feel around my armpit. Both armpits have felt sort of tender since Sunday.. in the part of the armpit closest to the side of the breast, but more on the actual curve of the underarm there's a lump! I only noticed it yesterday and it feels a little bit squidgy. I can move it around and there's an aching feeling radiating from it. Went to the doctors and after examination was told it felt like a gland but I'm not convinced. It's more in the top edge of my breast than armpit...and I can wiggle it around. Has anyone ever had anything like this? Doctor Google is scaring the life out of me right now with the dreaded C word! I'm terrified.. I have had fibroadenomas in the past and it kinda feels like one of those but can you get them that close to the armpit? The others have been in the sides of the breasts themselves..

17-08-17, 10:31
If it's movable then your doctor is probably right, it's more than likely harmless. I'd ask for a breast ultrasound anyway. As for Google scaring you? Simple solution stop Googling.