View Full Version : Wheezing when laying down , please help

17-08-17, 16:41
Hi there. I am a disaster and in full fledge panic mode. My doctor is over seas and won't be back until Friday, so thought I would ask here. I have zero signs of a cold and feel fine, but I feel like when I lay down i start to feel a cracklig in my chest and neck area when I take a deep breath. After a few deep breaths it goes away. I don't have a cough or anything. I have convinced myself this is lung cancer or some type of tumor. I have taken so Many deep breaths to try and hear the sound that I have made myself see spots!! It was really bad the other night we were on vacation and I got up and I could feel the mucus in my chest then after one breath it went away. I have been feeling this for a few weeks but it's really caught my attention now....I do have reflux occasionally. Other than that I have given myself days to live. Has anyone ever had this? Please help me.

17-08-17, 16:56
Allergies and some post nasal drip perhaps?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

17-08-17, 21:17
Thank you. It's so hard to think positive when you are convinced it's something terrible. I'm going out of town with my husband to a wedding tomorrow and I am so scared.

18-08-17, 01:02
I have that and I have for YEARS. I am pretty sure it's reflux related but it's freaked me out and I've worried about lung cancer many times. However, I don't have that and either do you.

18-08-17, 03:05
I sometimes get reflux so I am wondering if that's it. I don't feel sick at all but I can't stop thinking about it and wishing it would stop. Thank you for understanding !!