View Full Version : Quiet mind

17-08-17, 20:11
I been having thoughts for some time. And my anxiety through the roof.

And decided to work on trying to do mindfulness even going as far as to listen to videos and try and mediate. Yesterday I noticed that after sitting there with the thoughts for a while my mind went quiet. I can still think. But thoughts don't seem to come forward all that much. I cannot tell if it is the stress since I have had blank foggy minds before without trying. Normally they last me a day or two.

By the time I went to bed my mind was working full circle and I could imagine things on my own again. Thankfully I did not have any of my thoughts and could actually sleep last night and woke with the thoughts but then lasted for like a few minutes before I went back to trying to just let them be there and my mind went quiet after a while again.

My anxiety is gone but I can feel it return here and there in sparse amounts and then go.

But I also feel like I need to remind myself to eat. Because last time I had something like this happen in Jan where it just went blank on its own one morning perhaps from stress of the previous days I lost my appetite and still had it gone even after the blank mind went away. It eventually returned on its own, my appetite that is.

Like I don't mind the quiet mind. I prefer it. But I also worry a bit if I should be worrying about the thoughts I had and past errors that brought them on.