View Full Version : Major anxiety about contacting my mentor

17-08-17, 20:45
A couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to my professor about my Master`s thesis. I haven`t gotten a response. The thing is, she may have not checked the e-mail because I think that she has some days off due to the summer holidays.

However, next week she is having exams so she should be in her office.
I really need to reach out for her, I am anxious because of my upcoming master defense and I need some help and advise from her.

Let`s say that I don`t get an e-mail from her until Monday. Would it be reasonable to drop by in her office to talk to her, after her exam is over? I am really afraid that I will be perceived as rude, although we have a really friendly relationship and she has always, always responded to my e-mails, I have been to her office hours many times etc.

I really need an advice because I am freaking out because of this whole situation, as stupid as it sounds...

Thank you.. :unsure:

17-08-17, 22:01
Hi! My masters dissertation is due in next Friday and is going terribly, so I very much understand your panic. I think it would be perfectly fine to drop by her office if you don't get a response by Monday. If she hasn't responded it's bound to be that she hasn't seen it or just hasn't had time to make a proper response yet. It'll be ok :)

17-08-17, 22:06
Hi! My masters dissertation is due in next Friday and is going terribly, so I very much understand your panic. I think it would be perfectly fine to drop by her office if you don't get a response by Monday. If she hasn't responded it's bound to be that she hasn't seen it or just hasn't had time to make a proper response yet. It'll be ok :)

Oh, I wish you luck! I am sure you will do just fine.

I am really stressed. I am still writing my paper but I really need some advise from her... I just don`t want to be too pushy, but I guess she will be willing to help, or at least, schedule an appointment

17-08-17, 22:18
Oh, I wish you luck! I am sure you will do just fine.

I am really stressed. I am still writing my paper but I really need some advise from her... I just don`t want to be too pushy, but I guess she will be willing to help, or at least, schedule an appointment

She's there to help you, at the end of the day. I don't think it's remotely pushy to drop in next week; if you're stressed it's precisely the right thing to do to ask for guidance. My supervisor has helpfully gallivanted off to Cyprus for the last three weeks before my deadline and has generally been pretty useless, so it's good yours is available - take advantage of it!

17-08-17, 22:43
She's there to help you, at the end of the day. I don't think it's remotely pushy to drop in next week; if you're stressed it's precisely the right thing to do to ask for guidance. My supervisor has helpfully gallivanted off to Cyprus for the last three weeks before my deadline and has generally been pretty useless, so it's good yours is available - take advantage of it!

I am sorry it has been so hard for you. But I still think you are going to do well, especially if you have done your work. :)
Mine has been pretty available, nice and helpful, so this time I am kinda surprised that I did not get a response to my e-mail, even though there may be 100 reasons for it...

So yeah, I am definitely dropping by her office on Monday.
I think it is a better option that to write a follow-up e-mail, which could again go unnoticed..:unsure:

17-08-17, 23:01
I am sorry it has been so hard for you. But I still think you are going to do well, especially if you have done your work. :)
Mine has been pretty available, nice and helpful, so this time I am kinda surprised that I did not get a response to my e-mail, even though there may be 100 reasons for it...

So yeah, I am definitely dropping by her office on Monday.
I think it is a better option that to write a follow-up e-mail, which could again go unnoticed..:unsure:

Thank you :) Awesome, I think that's the right decision, and I'm certain that her lack of response so far will just be due to either not having seen it or not having the time to respond properly. Good luck with everything!