View Full Version : Intro - Paranoid DVT is what got me here

17-08-17, 21:27
Hey all, 35, mom of 1...

just experienced my first panic attack last week...my calf started hurting for no apparent reason and then there was pins and needles...i freaked and went to ER..had d-dimer test and an ultrasound and all were negative...i kept googling if this is definite and of course i saw tons of responses saying my tests don't always rule out DVT....

hours later while i was folding laundry, my heart starts palpitating and my chest started hurting...i calm down for the night but decide to go to ER again a few days later... thinking that they missed the DVT and i had a pulmonary embolism...ER tells me i should see a cardiologist because a 2nd d-dimer was taken and was negative and a chest xray was fine (which can't see a dvt but whatever)

I see cardiologist...scans my heart but side comments "it isn't necessary but i'll do it." and gave me anti-anxiety pills and acid reflux medicine...she also mentioend i could have a magnesium deficiency...

pain in my leg hasn't gotten better...can the mind really play that many tricks????

what's wrong with me

17-08-17, 21:37
Hiya Jett81013 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-08-17, 15:05
Thanks, i read the intro...i kinda chuckled because that is me...what's ironic is that i used to make fun of my best friend for being extremely anxious about health ailments but ....my how the tables have turned.

In the past month and a half, i have gotten a mammogram/ultrasound due though seeing weird things on my breast, to thinking my 2 year old daughter has Type 1 diabetes, to now as i mentioned thinking i have DVT...

i'm still paranoid about the DVT because the pain hasn't gotten better and it's been 2 weeks since i last exercised....does injuries actually take that long to heal?

Someone PLEASE knock some sense into me...my doctor thinks i'm nuts.