View Full Version : Fingertips feeling weird??

18-08-17, 00:28
Im going to re-write this, and hopefully it's seen.

I dont know what happened, but i think it might be the result of a strained muscle.

Ever since a week or so ago, my middle and ring fingertips on my right hand have been getting an occaisional stiff tingly feeling, possibly slight numbness at my fingertips. It isnt there when i rest, but it comes back when i do things like drive or draw.

Originally i had this feeling in BOTH my arms, but the one in my left arm has almost completely subsided. My right arm is my dominant arm, and i have used it for all the deli slicing, so i have been working it a lot harder than my left arm.
I think the injury might have come initially from straining myself to move something incredibly heavy at work... but then again, im not entirely sure.

Even though i feel like i shouldnt be so worried, i can't help it. As an artist, i dont want to suddenly lose the ability to use my right arm... or even worse, i might have diabetes. I dont have any of the other symptoms of it, so i dont actually know.

All I know is, i get horribly worried whenever something happens that i don't think has happened to me before, and i don't want to die. I can't afford to go to a doctor, nor do i have the time to, so its very stressful.

What should I do??

18-08-17, 01:44
Sounds like carpel tunnel. I'd see about getting a wrist brace to help

18-08-17, 02:04
Yes, I would say it's nerve related. I used to work in offices all the time so I would be typing reports, training docs, etc and it happens. My GF has a lot of bother with it.

Recently I've had pains in my hands that run up to my elbows. I found using a resistance band to open my hands really worked to take this off after a couple of weeks. It's about not using the muscles that oppose grip and how it weakens the forearm. Basically, a tighter elastic band.

18-08-17, 02:07
if i just leave it, do you think it will subside?

It isnt hindering my ability to work or do anything, it just is a bit annoying, and i really dont want it to get worse. It hasnt gotten any worse over the course of this week, but im not sure its gotten any better.

I'm just a huge fearful mess, but thank you so much for the advice...

18-08-17, 02:10
It may do. Things like carpal tunnel come & go. I've had it years ago, did nothing and it just went on it's own.

Take a break from using it. It could just be a bit of inflammation from compression that can come from certain positions.