View Full Version : Stomach looks big

18-08-17, 05:52
Why does my stomach look super big for like a week now??
I'm so scared!!!! I'm scared it's a deadly illness .

I can't stop obsessing with my stomach , and I notice it sticks out a lot more then usual.

18-08-17, 08:26
If it was something serious in your abdomen, I think you would have had other symptoms by now like pain, tenderness or diarrhea. As always, see a doctor if you are concerned, but I'm guessing that you have become aware of a normal bulge and are starting to obsess.

18-08-17, 13:45
I'm worried about ovarian c ..

I don't know why my stomach looks bigger then usual for a week now

18-08-17, 14:10
I'm not a medical expert. The following is from an ovarian cancer society in Australia:

"It can be difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer because the symptoms are ones that many women will have from time to time, and they are often symptoms of less serious and more common health problems.

But we do know that ovarian cancer is NOT a silent disease. Women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer report four types of symptoms most frequently:

Abdominal or pelvic pain.
Increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating.
Needing to urinate often or urgently.
Feeling full after eating a small amount.

If you have any of these symptoms, they are new for you and you have experienced them multiple times during a 4-week period, go to your GP."

Basically, you CAN'T diagnose yourself. If you meet any of the criteria, go to your doctor - but worrying won't make any difference. Chances are you have just noticed a normal tummy bulge.

18-08-17, 14:18
Can they find out with blood work? Or do they just do an ultra sound??

18-08-17, 14:53
Happens to me all the time. For me it means I'm FOS and probably need to take a laxative! :whistles:

Positive thoughts

19-08-17, 06:28
Before the high-tech stuff, the doctor looks at your abdomen and presses parts gently, maybe doing some tapping. They can still tell an awful lot from that! Again, I'm guessing the doctor will tell you there is nothing abnormal, so no need for further tests if you don't have other symptoms. If so, believe the doctor - health anxiety plus Dr Google will never reassure you!