View Full Version : Bones tender to touch

18-08-17, 12:29
Is it just me or when you're anxious do your bones An skin hurt to touch or burning feeling inside mines in my back

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18-08-17, 12:44
tsk tsk

they're going to merge your threads again. You may have changed the thread title but the theme is still the same. lol

18-08-17, 13:01
I just need help so bad :(

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18-08-17, 13:05
Hello -- have you been to the doctor about this? Did they say it was anxiety? Have you ever been steered wrong by a doctor before? I know it's hard to trust someone. Do you practice meditation or anything?

My back has been unbearably sore for the past week or so and sure there have been goblins that come in and out of my mind but if I don't give them power, they don't seem as scary. I just keep repeating to myself that if something happens, it happens, what am I going to do other than deal with it.

Maybe you should get someone to give you a back massage or go get one professionally? Take advantage of a sore back :D

18-08-17, 13:06
You were given loads of help and support on your other thread Jonny. You need to concentrate on getting help for your anxiety now because you're going round in circles repeating yourself.

18-08-17, 13:08
I just need help so bad :(

Sadly, it's very apparent you're spiraling. Words on a screen and reassuring posts are useless in situations like this. You're not alone on a forum like this but it's not a replacement for real life professional help.

I hope you find some relief.

Positive thoughts

18-08-17, 13:08
I know but no one else complains of burning sore skin

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18-08-17, 13:22
I am not sure what you want people to say.

Yes, I have had bones tender to touch before, I have spent weeks crying about it before thinking I had bone cancer.

Guess what... it was nothing.

You have simple options here, do what I did and go to a doctor or keep worrying about it day in and day out and let the stress overflow you.

Just remember that when a doctor tells you something DON'T DOUBT IT!

18-08-17, 14:03
Burning skin etc can all be a sign of anixety and by reading some of your posts your anxiety seems very high. Have you tried yoga and meditating? Really helped my with my anxiety and it is simple to do at home, just youtube a video and follow along!

18-08-17, 14:04
It feels like my muscles and bones are tearing though I just know something is wrong

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18-08-17, 15:21
Are you on meds and/or going to some type of therapy for your anixety?