View Full Version : Did the Romberg test on myself at home, seated a little now I'm freaking out!!!

18-08-17, 13:58
Did the test at home and I seated a bit. Not enough to take a step it feel off BALANCE, but my hands swsyed a bit and though my body stayed in position I FELT a little swaying especially when I put my head back and closed my eyes. Help!! Anybody else seated. Or hands moving a little when keeping them up in front of you. Need reassurance!!!!:huh:

18-08-17, 14:27
Leave those tests for the professionals only they know what to look for and what's considered normal or not.

Gary A
18-08-17, 14:37
Did the test at home and I seated a bit. Not enough to take a step it feel off BALANCE, but my hands swsyed a bit and though my body stayed in position I FELT a little swaying especially when I put my head back and closed my eyes. Help!! Anybody else seated. Or hands moving a little when keeping them up in front of you. Need reassurance!!!!:huh:

Well then that's a negative test. A positive is when you physically lose balance, not when you "feel" like you're losing balance.

Also, these things should only really be carried out by a trained physician who knows what particular signs within the test indicate. You cannot neurologically test yourself, stop trying to do so.

18-08-17, 14:44
these things should only really be carried out by a trained physician who knows what particular signs within the test indicate. You cannot neurologically test yourself, stop trying to do so.

My wife has an acquired brain injury from a serious illness she suffered last year. She gets MRIs, EEGs and goes through all sorts of neurological and psychological testing. They do the Romberg at every appointment. It's done by a trained neurologist with decades of experience. All you're doing is feeding your anxiety. You don't need reassurance. You need to seek real life help. I hope you do.

Positive thoughts

18-08-17, 15:15
I hope i haven't upset anyone. I came to this forum for support., not to feel belittled. I have very bad brain tumor fears. I have been having headaches with some jaw tightening, crawling sensations in my scalp. Had some dizziness but that has went away. I am a hypochondriac. I know this. Im on luvox for 6 days and awaiting results. On ativan as well. I had a Mri of the brain 10 months ago and it was fine, but i cant help the feeling a tumor has appeared since thenI know that sounds irrational but i googled and a commenter said you can get an aggressive brain cancer 3 months after a clear MRI and that scared the crap out of me. My optician took a pic of the back of my eye and said no swelling. That was 2 weeks ago. My gp who sent me for the first mri checked my reflexes and mde me follow his finger and said no scan needed especially since he sent me for one 10 months ago. So he refused to send me for another even though i cried for one. So why cant i just let this feeling go. Why do i feel impending doom always. Especially since i have my babies. Ever since i have had my children my anxiety is through the roof. Feel so much pressure. They need me and the fear of dying or getting sick drives me insane. I cant leave my children. Sorry for the rant.

18-08-17, 15:38
I hope i haven't upset anyone. I came to this forum for support., not to feel belittled. I have very bad brain tumor fears. I have been having headaches with some jaw tightening, crawling sensations in my scalp. Had some dizziness but that has went away. I am a hypochondriac. I know this. Im on luvox for 6 days and awaiting results. On ativan as well. I had a Mri of the brain 10 months ago and it was fine, but i cant help the feeling a tumor has appeared since thenI know that sounds irrational but i googled and a commenter said you can get an aggressive brain cancer 3 months after a clear MRI and that scared the crap out of me. My optician took a pic of the back of my eye and said no swelling. That was 2 weeks ago. My gp who sent me for the first mri checked my reflexes and mde me follow his finger and said no scan needed especially since he sent me for one 10 months ago. So he refused to send me for another even though i cried for one. So why cant i just let this feeling go. Why do i feel impending doom always. Especially since i have my babies. Ever since i have had my children my anxiety is through the roof. Feel so much pressure. They need me and the fear of dying or getting sick drives me insane. I cant leave my children. Sorry for the rant.

There are many things in life we cannot control and learning to accept that is part of the recovery process. It's not fatalism, it's learning to let go of that which cannot be controlled or changed. I can understand your fears re your children and the sense of responsibility you must feel, but no one can ever reassure you enough when you are in the jaws of HA. You must see that. As your AD med kicks in, things should get better.

So don't feel "belittled" - this is a daily struggle that most of us here understand. But most here also understand that "reassurance" is feeding the HA beast. And the beast can never get enough.

18-08-17, 15:40
Nobody is belittling you, I can assure you of that.

These replies are the kind of logical responses you need to hear. These are regular posters who've helped hundreds of people by pointing out their irrationality. Would you rather have been told there was something to worry about?

It is absolutely right that only a professional can carry out these tests and properly interpret the results. It is also true that, based on what you said, your test was negative.

18-08-17, 15:47
So why cant i just let this feeling go. Why do i feel impending doom always. Especially since i have my babies. Ever since i have had my children my anxiety is through the roof. Feel so much pressure. They need me and the fear of dying or getting sick drives me insane. I cant leave my children. Sorry for the rant.

You're not upsetting anyone. You have fellow sufferers who are battling their own demons offering reassurance and support.

This is just an internet forum... words on a screen. While it's comforting to know you're not alone, it's not a replacement for real life help. People can relate, offer reassurance and point you in the right direction but ultimately, you have to take those steps toward healing.

I happen to have real physical ailments that can put me six feet under. By worrying about something you so clearly don't have, you're essentially burying yourself above ground. You started on meds and I commend you for doing so. They can take several weeks to really kick in. I'm recommending therapy as well, one on one or CBT. You need to take control of your thoughts so that the illness you do have doesn't take you away from your children.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
18-08-17, 16:41
You said you needed reassurance, I told you that what you describe constitutes a negative test. I and a few others also told you that you can't interpret things like this on your own, you need a professional to do so. I really don't see whats belittling about that.

You need logic and reasoning, do you not? I also gave you "reassurance" yesterday, but that didn't work, because you went ahead and googled Romberg testing and proceeded to perform it on yourself.

For the record, Romberg testing is only used to check for spinal disease and cerrabellar ataxia. If you had either, you'd literally be falling to one side as you attempted to walk.

Even a clear brain MRI only offered temporary relief, so clearly reassurance is not something that works for you. What will work is treating the illness you actually have, which is anxiety.

You don't have a brain tumour, you have absolutely nothing that is suggestive of one. All of your symptoms, actions and thought processes point to anxiety, nothing more.

18-08-17, 18:08
Thank you everyone for talking time put of your day to reply to me. It is very appreciated. I will try my best to take what's said to heart. It is the voice on one side that says a brain tumor can come within 10 months of a clear MRI because you are that unlucky girl. The other voice says god damn Eileen cut the shit already. It's so hard.

18-08-17, 21:49
I didn't mean to make you feel belittled. I'm so sorry.

I have been through the same. I get a response that makes me feel that way but then I think. It's the logical thing to think. Or I can't interpret it in a negative way since it's written down it's not like you can fine the sincerity in text like you do in person.

And I wrote down what would be the fastest to the point thing. I know some anxiety sufferers, me included, want a quick reply.

18-08-17, 23:26
No problem. I appreciate your reply. Going through a tough time.