View Full Version : Just went to A&E to be sectioned

18-08-17, 18:38
Hi guys I know recently everyone has been fed up with me moaning about my back and I've been having thoughts of ending my life, so I went straight to a and e to section myself, they haven't done it but hey have given my diazepam, and also I talked to someone about my fear of AS, they told me it's not even that bad of a disease and that if i do get it I can live a normal life and with medication and exercise I won't feel that bad.
My apologies to anyone I've annoyed on my posts

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18-08-17, 18:45
I did the same thing as you three nights in a row last year. I was assessed each time, and given diazepam. Then I was sent home. Each time, the reassurance that I wasn't going crazy lasted long enough for me to get some sleep, but then I returned the following night. I thought something terrible was happening to me psychologically. In my case, I was just getting started on an SSRI, which I think contributed to how I was feeling.

In any case, there's no chance of being sectioned unless you're in the throes of a major crisis, or you're seriously mentally ill. The team told me that I really didn't want to be sectioned, and that it stood a high chance of making me worse. They were right. It wasn't what I needed. I needed to give my SSRI time to work, and I needed therapy.

Catherine S
18-08-17, 19:02
I'm sorry things got to be so bad for you jonny. I've replied on one or two of your threads and you haven't annoyed anybody. I hope you get the help you need.

Be well
Cath S x

18-08-17, 19:03
I'm sorry things are rough for you right now. I hope you can get some peace of mind!

I was inpatient for anxiety in 2013 and it was the best thing for me at the time

18-08-17, 19:08
I live with my girlfriend but I'm staying at my mums tonight as my girlfriend has been up with me for 3 nights with no sleep so she needs sleep too,

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18-08-17, 19:34
I live with my girlfriend but I'm staying at my mums tonight as my girlfriend has been up with me for 3 nights with no sleep so she needs sleep too,

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What does your girlfriend think about your concerns?

18-08-17, 19:46
She's really down An worried about me but she just needs a good nights sleep she has been up with me for the last 3 nights

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18-08-17, 20:29
Hey Jonny,

I tried that multiple times. A&E wouldn't section me. I did get sectioned but I also nearly got charged with a crime at the same time. Was lucky I wasn't. I've been in your shoes mate. This will pass.

Keep positive :)

18-08-17, 20:34
I hope it does I've never been this bad this whole ankylosing spondylitis fear has spiralled me out of control when if I actually researched it properly it's not even that bad and with medication and that I can control it and live a normal life

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18-08-17, 20:37
I hope it does I've never been this bad this whole ankylosing spondylitis fear has spiralled me out of control when if I actually researched it properly it's not even that bad and with medication and that I can control it and live a normal life

Your doctor said you didn't have it so why worry about it?

"I was terrified it was ankylosing spondylitis but docs said it's just because I'm 6ft 2 and work a desk job and my stress and anxiety has made it worse and it will go eventually but will take time"

Positive thoughts

18-08-17, 20:38
Because I have just come to terms with if I do have it I will just have to deal with it and live with it

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Catherine S
18-08-17, 20:47
Im a little confused sorry, as you posted about having Scoliosis the other day. Ankeylosing Spondylitis and Scoliosis are two different conditions. Ankeylosing is when the discs of the spine become fused...commonly in the top part of the spine near the neck and this impairs movement, whereas Scoliosis is a kink/curve of the spine. Have you been diagnosed with one of these conditions?

18-08-17, 20:50
No I think I have AS and they are testing me for that at the minute just waiting for my bloods to come back

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Catherine S
18-08-17, 20:54
Ah, so you're diagnosing yourself? Never a great idea jonny. Good luck with your AS appointment.

Take care

18-08-17, 20:59
I know, but I am getting better and changing my mindset and AS really isn't the end of the world I know people with it who work full time, go to the gym etc

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18-08-17, 21:09
I know, but I am getting better and changing my mindset and AS really isn't the end of the world I know people with it who work full time, go to the gym etc

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Good to see you feeling more positive now Jonny! :yesyes: :)

18-08-17, 21:11
Is that you in the profile pic? You look like a cool dude, a smart guy. You look about my age too.

You have to understand a lot of this is in your brain, and the more we feed this negativity the more negative we think. We manifest these problems. Start thinking more positive :)

I noticed you said you sit at a desk for long periods. What's your job? I'm a software developer, I sit at the desk all day too. It causes all sorts of problems at times. I find that getting up for regular breaks helps. I got myself some dumbells and a skipping rope so when I take a break I go exercise. Keep myself active.

In fact, whenever I get anxiety I exercise. It helps a lot. Whenever I think I've got some illness going on I'll go do an intense workout. Always makes me feel better.

It's a bit harder for me to ignore these pretend health scares because I've actually had Cancer. It was hard to ignore them for a while. I used to think every cold, or ailment, meant my Cancer was returning. But, now I ignore my brain. If my docs tell me I'm ok ... then I'm ok. No point in me worrying any more about it.

We can't control what the future holds. We can't change the past. All we can do is ride the wave of the present.

Is there anything troubling in your life at the moment? I don't mean with the anxiety. I mean a root cause, or a possible root cause. For me, there's usually always a root cause for my anxiety.


18-08-17, 21:15
Yes that is me, the happier me haha and no not really I am just anxious about my pain and being in a wheelchair but I have researched AS and it's not s crippling disease just makes you stiff and sometimes hard to move but doctor said out of the 100's of patients she deals with AS not one is in a wheelchair and most are full time workers with families etc

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19-08-17, 02:10
I think it's helpful that you are thinking about AS differently. I'm no expert but it makes sense that the less you fear the affects of AS the less anxiousness you will feel about having it. However, with acceptance comes the probability that you will continue to not only experience the symptoms but manifest new symptoms because that will confirm even more your belief that you have AS. Consequently, your anxiousness will return bigger and better than ever. You need to treat the underlying anxiety and you neeed professional help to do that.

19-08-17, 04:02
I've also felt many times, especially recently, that I'd be better off sectioned but I'm sure that's not true. Sorry you feel this way :/

19-08-17, 04:08
Yes that is me, the happier me haha and no not really I am just anxious about my pain and being in a wheelchair but I have researched AS and it's not s crippling disease just makes you stiff and sometimes hard to move but doctor said out of the 100's of patients she deals with AS not one is in a wheelchair and most are full time workers with families etc

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I have Crohn's disease and am very active in the Crohn's community. AS is not uncommon in Crohn's patients (I don't have it) so I know quite a few with both as and CD and none of them use a wheelchair or are dramatically disabled by it

19-08-17, 04:16
Thank you, I always thought of it as disease where you cannot do anything for the rest of your life, i am in the police force and was worried i couldn't carry on but my gp said if i was to get AS that it wouldn't effect my voluntary job as a policeman

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19-08-17, 09:31
I've been in that frame of mind, recently actually. It's scary and more overwhelming that I could ever have imagined. Jonny, you need to start some ongoing help and therapy. You haven't annoyed anyone here, the forum is here for that very reason, for people to share what has helped their mental health issues, that's what this is.

I hope you get that help soon x