View Full Version : The vicious cycle of HA

18-08-17, 21:41
So my HA has been centred around my heart since it started. Been through everything from heart attacks to sudden cardiac arrest. I've had a range of tests and seen two cardiologists who aren't concerned at all. Now they've said it's likely I have either SVT or inappropriate sinus tachycardia, just waiting on results from Zio monitor to confirm but I'm not bothered now. Both are manageable issues and hypnotherapy sessions have helped conquer those fears.

Great so I can start recovering and rebuilding right? Well apparently my mind has decided that now it needs a new focus....my head. So the blurred vision, tension headaches and pulsatile tinnitus that I've had all along with my heart worries are now the focus meaning I must have an aneurysm or a tumour! And the occasional discomfort or pains in my abdomen must be an aortic aneurysm! I saw my GP yesterday who explained to me why there is no way it's any of those things but my addled mind still finds this impossible to take.

I actually find it laughable how this manages to happen instead of being able to focus on the positives and achievements made. Does anybody else find themselves in this cycle of doubt? If so how have you dealt with these issues?

Really appreciate your experiences and feedback


18-08-17, 22:52
I dealt with my issues by getting help through CBT, and taking an SSRI. I learned to challenge my thoughts and change my cognitive behaviour (as CBT would suggest). I also found a handful of books that helped me. And after that, I stopped searching for answers to everything. I stopped surrounding myself with the subject of anxiety.

And that's it really. Very much in a nutshell.

18-08-17, 22:58
What books did you read if you don't mind me asking? I'm currently freaking out because I have an uncomfortable 'lump' feeling right under my rib cage which I've convinced myself is an AAA. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so stupid!

19-08-17, 01:21
You could try reading one of Claire Weekes' books. They don't address health anxiety specifically but she talks a lot about anxiety and thought processes. Most people come here wanting to discuss their symptoms. Everyone here who truly understands HA knows that it is completely unhelpful to discusss symptoms. Invariably people start out wanting to do only that. Then when it has been done to death and no one is responding anymore they start new threads about the same topics. When that runs its course they start new threads about the same topics but change the thread titles hoping that they will generate more discussion that way. Don't do that lol. What is helpful is learning about the connection between physical symptoms and psychological ones. This is the right place to do that because there are some people here who have great clarity in this area. But as helpful as their explanations can be it can never take the place of real life help. So take steps to address your anxiety by getting a referral to a mental health professional. Unfortunately, and depending where you live that can take many months. So while you are waiting read selectively and above all don't search out symptoms on Google.

19-08-17, 08:25
Brilliant post, swajj and very true.

19-08-17, 09:24
This is exactly how it goes for me, and it's amazing how quickly/intensively it can switch. I can literally have symptoms for months that leave overnight, but the next day I will have a whole set of new symptoms (related to my worry of course) that feel just as real. It's so difficult because of how physically the worries translate in our bodies.

David Veale has a good book, I think it's called Overcoming Health Anxiety. I am just about to start CBT too. Hypnotherapy also helped me not be so afraid of my heartbeat.

20-08-17, 04:19
Thanks pulisa, haven't seen much of you lately. How are you? xx Yeah it's certainly the case on this forum.

21-08-17, 15:38
I think the biggest hurdle in combatting health anxiety is actually acknowledging that it is health anxiety.

I don't mean to sound facetious but it took me a long time to understand that anxiety was at the root of the physical problems I was experiencing.

One thing I would stress to anyone who is experiencing physical symptoms is not to underestimate the physical effects anxiety can have on your body. I would even as go as far today that the physical effects of anxiety can actually be worse than the physical effects condition you are worried about. Even things that you are sure cannot be caused by anxiety can be caused by anxiety. Trust me on this.

Once you acknowledge even the possibility that anxiety may be the cause transfer all the worrying into action and aggressively pursue treatment for the condition. CBT with or without SSRIs would be definitely worth considering. Pursue it in the same way you would pursue a scan or blood test.

Health anxiety is fundamentally about faulty thinking and misinterpretation. You are not going to think your way out of it and no test result is ever going to satisfy this demon. You may get brief respite from this demon but it will come back unless you treat the root cause.

21-08-17, 15:46
When that runs its course they start new threads about the same topics but change the thread titles hoping that they will generate more discussion that way. Don't do that lol.

I have noticed a lot of this going on and think it's right Admin merge their threads when it's blatantly a game of semantics :lac:

Some members spend a lot of time and effort writing long, detailed replies, only for the OP to start a new thread about the same HA worry/topic.