View Full Version : Another New Member

03-06-07, 13:53
my name is Pearly, and i just
joined yesterday, i get panic attacks which
have been getting a lot worse, and now i feel nausea
and panicky just being in my own home, i can hardly go
out anymore, its a really horrible feeling which im sure you
all know, i feel light headed walking about, and when i feel panicky
feel i cant breathe, my throat and rib cage feel like they are in a vice.
I have had a bad week with it all, and have a doctors appointment in
the morning. He gave me beta blockers, but even taking 2 of them i
dont feel they help much, and breathing into a paper bag dosnt seem
to help me at all. Sorry for going on.

03-06-07, 15:41
Hi Pearly

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends also.

Take a look at the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page they will help too.

Hope all goes well at the docs tommo, let us know how things go.


03-06-07, 16:23
Hi Pearly, welcome to nmp. I sympathise with what you are going through, have loads of days like you described myself.

Take Care

03-06-07, 16:46
Thank you both for responding,
im trying to keep busy, and trying to tell
myself positive thoughts, but inside i just
feel like panicking, the last time i was up the street
i felt nervous when large things like lorries and
busses drove past me, but i will have to go, as i have no
other way to get there, as i dont have a car,

03-06-07, 17:50
Hi pearly

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

03-06-07, 18:06
Hey ya Pearly, welcome to the forum, i hope you can find what you are looking for here, such a fantastic forum with so many topics and advice at hand. I hope you are having a nice evening.

Take Care.

03-06-07, 18:48
Hi Pearly,

Welcome to NMP. You will get alot of support here and will find many who feel exactly the way you do.

Laura :)

Pink Princess
03-06-07, 21:03
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

03-06-07, 21:05
Hi Pearly,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

03-06-07, 23:13
Hello Pearly,:welcome:to you!

I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - we all did!!

Pleased to meet you!


04-06-07, 08:25
hi and a big warm welcome

love sandy xxx

funky chick
04-06-07, 16:26
hi and big warm welcome Pearly hope you soon feel better lots of nice kind caring people on here will help and understand how you are feeling you take care love Gail xx:hugs:

07-06-07, 09:49
Hi my name is Lorac and I am a 46 year old mother of three and am now suffering from chronic anxiety symptoms which I try to cope with in order to make life normal for all the family. I suffer from panic attacks, social anxiety and have to make myself go outside the house in order to try and keep a normal life, shopping is a nightmare. Despite all this I do try to keep positive and keep going. I too am new to this chat line and feel for each and everyone of you. x

07-06-07, 10:13
Hi Pearly I feel for you, I am a mother of three and at 46 I am now going through the same as you but just remember you are not alone, try and keep
positive and keep trying to do the things that are difficult . I only joined chat line yesterday and didn't realize so many other people suffered from the same
kind of symptoms that I have been getting. Good luck xx:)

07-06-07, 12:00
Hi there Pearly :)

So sorry that you are having a rough time right now. I'm sure you'll find many people in the same situation as you on here who are more than ready to offer you advice and support (myself included!).

Have a good day...


07-06-07, 14:06

07-06-07, 14:18
hi i also suffer from apnic attacks well if thats what u wanna call it im stil not convinced thts wa i got?

i get difficulty breathin feels like i gt a lump in my throat and i have chest pain ive had lots of ecgs an thy all cum up normal. mine did go away but ive recently moved out of my parents in2 my partnrers place now its back

im soo wrried

07-06-07, 14:25
Hello Pearly[that is my Mom's name :) ]hello Lorac:hugs: :hugs: so glad you have found us all..you are now under the wings of a wonderful gaurdian Angel here in NMP:) We all feel the same or have felt the same so no judging is done only kind words and advice:flowers: When i joined 16 months ago..i could barely leave the house..now??I go out ,shop,concerts..you name it i will have a go.As i learned on here it is fear of panic and all the vile symptoms that imprisons us.So slowly but surely i broke down little barriers and found i was ok..not every time ..but that is ok too:) we can live with our anxiety ,acceptence is the key..I hope the dr help you too Pearly.Aways here if you fancy a natter.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-06-07, 14:37

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx