View Full Version : It is Anxiety?

Little old me
19-08-17, 08:47
Not sure I'm in the right place to be honest, I apologise if I'm not.
I am having really bad nightmares about my son (second), to the point where it is waking me in the night more and more.
Since my son was born I've felt different, not in control of my emotions and hard to deal with the stress of even day to day things. I've since got a part time job and am enjoying some much needed time to be me again but recently have found myself suffering from what I can only think is anxiety related.
My dreams only involve me and my youngest son, usually with him potentially getting hurt, at that point I physically jump out of bed, pace the floor to calm down then try to get back to sleep.
Does this sound like anxiety?
I don't know whether I should just go to the doctors to see what they suggest or if there is anything I can do to try to tackle it.
Any help would be much appreciated x

21-08-17, 03:54
I would say that it does sound like anxiety is causing these dreams.

Was your son's birth recent? Could you have postpartum anxiety?

Either way, it would be helpful to talk to a doctor about this.

22-08-17, 00:23
Yes certainly sounds like anxiety, I have had nightmares about a family member that make me act like this.

22-08-17, 00:28
Totally sounds like anxiety. My anxiety started a couple of years ago after 6mths of not sleeping due to my son being rushed to hospital x