View Full Version : I must have bone cancer. Or just a sodding achy leg

19-08-17, 11:21
Hi, im 23 years old and around 9 years ago I broke my leg and ankle and had screws and plates put in place. I tend it get an achy leg when I walk to much or when I get home from work (work on my feet for 8 hours a day). The last 2 weeks I've had a major spike in my health anxiety and I've managed to diagnose myself with ovarian cancer, spine cancer and now bone cancer in my leg.

I have back ache - which i can put down to having two kids that I run around after. Now my previous broken leg is achy which I convinced myself it's bone cancer. I know it's probably that fact that it's just my previous broken leg but I can't shift the thought that it's bone cancer. I'm a major culprit of googling symptoms which got my lovely self diagnostic of bone cancer.

Can my anxiety be making it worse? I'm literally at my wits end and can't stop crying and worrying it's something serious.

19-08-17, 13:13
you know exactly what is causing the aching and it isn't the bone cancer option...

yep anxiety definitely makes things feel worse.

19-08-17, 16:25
Anxiety can definitely make it worse and sometimes create aches and pains. Yours is a previous injury and even my daughter who broke her leg and arm? If it's going to rain she knows because she aches.

19-08-17, 16:53
It's stupid because I get this pain on and off all the time but all of a sudden it's made me anxious and maybe I've had bone cancer this entire time? Wouldn't it have become more painful by now or had a bigger impact. This just keeps on running through my head when I know it's just my injury playing up. �� Just the joys of overthinking everything!

19-08-17, 18:31
Hi, im 23 years old and around 9 years ago I broke my leg and ankle and had screws and plates put in place.

I had a displaced olecranon fracture, surgery followed, pins, wires, hardware... after 8 months I had another surgery to get it the hell out of there. I couldn't live like that the rest of my life.

It's 99.9% better without the hardware, but every now and then I get a toothache feeling in the bone that was broken. Pretty sure once a bone is broken it's never totally normal again.

Any thoughts on having the hardware taken out?

19-08-17, 18:36
I'd never thought about getting it taken out. But with my anxiety the way it is with the pain I think if the pain was to get slightly better when getting it taken out, it would be the best thing for my anxiety and my general health. I'm going to make a doctors appointment on Monday to see what they think and hopefully see a therapist. Thank you all for your messages! Means a lot xx