View Full Version : Only a little success really

03-06-07, 15:45
Well I know this isn't much really but I feel so proud of myself I just had to share!

Today I don't know why but I woke up, saw the sun shining and thought, you know what I'm gonna go out today. This in itself is a big thing for me!

So anyway, I had a shower, got myself ready. Felt a little anxious but I was determined to go out in this wonderful weather! :shades:
So me and my flatmate went over to my mums house, which is about a 15 min drive. (for me thats a big thing) anyway I felt fine on the drive over there, a few little moments of panic but I just distracted myself by looking at peoples gardens and houses and looking in the trees and the view. Then just when we got to my mums road, BAM there was a traffic jam! :ohmy: Now just the thought of being stuck in a traffic jam makes me panic. Anyway it was only a little wait but eventually it cleared and we got to my mums in one piece!
Spent a little time at my mums and then I turned to my flatmate and said...now this will shock you cos it did me!
I said... "lets go to Asda's!!" :ohmy: :ohmy:
Now I absolutely fear and loathe supermarkets! especially at the weekends but I was in a good mood and I didn't want to just rush back home when it is such a lovely day! So we went to Asdas, I bought some new pillows and few bits. Didn't panic one bit :shades:
Then I said "lets go to pets at home" and we went there, was rather busy but I didnt panic, I just strolled around looking at things and looked at the giunea pigs and bunny rabbits! Bought a few new toys and chews for my dog.
Then we left and decided to come home, I felt quite proud of myself and on the drive home, I realised we need something for dinner so I suggested we drive into town and go to Sainsburys. So not only did I manage the 15min drive back I then suggested another 5min drive into town to go shopping in sainsburys! :yesyes:
Went there, didnt panic at all! i felt more like my old self and I was walking around with my head held high and a big cheesy grin on my face! :D
God knows what everyone thought but I didnt care because for once I felt GOOD!!

So thought I would share it all with you as I am walking about with a spring in my step feeling very proud of myself! And tomorrow I have another little challenge for myself! :winks:
It just goes to show we can have our good days!!!!

03-06-07, 15:56
I was walking around with my head held high and a big cheesy grin on my face! :biggrin:

And so you should !! WELL DONE !!

Thats not a little success laura, thats a BIG Success!!!!!!! Im real proud that you have achieved so much and all in one day too!!

Brilliant you keep up the good work !!


03-06-07, 16:01
Well I know this isn't much really

Yeah, right....

I think its an amazing achivement Laura so very well done:)

As she said in the film "I'll have what she's having" :winks:

03-06-07, 16:07

That is a BIG success hun!!!!!

You should be very proud of yourself!!
And know that we are all so happy for you and extremely proud of you:flowers:


03-06-07, 16:27
It put a big smile on my face reading this post. It's a big success and you have every right to walk around with a big grin on your face.

Well done.:hugs:

03-06-07, 17:44
Thats amazing Laura. Im proud of you so much.

(((((BIG HUGS FROM ME)))))

Hope you can take little more steps in the big world.
luv ya lots
Nikk x x x

03-06-07, 18:30

Wow well done to you :yesyes: :yesyes:

That is a massive achievement and great progress forward.

No wonder you feel chuffed with yourself.

Good luck for tomorrow as well.

03-06-07, 18:54
Hi Laura,

You should be so pleased with yourself, so many achievements in one day! I wonder what you will do tomorrow? Good luck with whatever it may be.

Laura :)

03-06-07, 18:56
Aww that's brilliant hun!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

04-06-07, 08:35
oh thats great well done

love sandy xxx

04-06-07, 20:35
Thankyou all for your replies! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Today I woke up in not such a good mood but I made the promise to myself yesterday that I would go shopping today so I made the effort even though I didn't feel like it! :yesyes:
I ended up in a busy shopping centre near me, strolling around feeling ok :)
I had a few wobbly moments but I managed to just bite my lip and get on with it :)
I didnt end up buying anything :shrug: even though I took my birthday money with me! So i came away empty handed but I still managed to go shopping in a busy shopping center which is a BIG improvement for me! :shades:

I am going shopping AGAIN tomorrow and this time I am going to go and find myself some new outfits as a treat with my birthday money! and I am also going to go to the health food shop and get my vitamins to help with my anxiety :)
A step in the right direction I hope!
Thank you all again for your kind words! It is so nice to have support from people on here :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Laura xxxxx:flowers:

05-06-07, 12:11
well done on all the achievements and keep your big smile going it a lovely post will keep checking on how your doing i think its a good year for us all :yesyes: