View Full Version : Appetite/eating problems

Panic Stations
19-08-17, 20:43
I went on holiday a couple of months ago where I began having huge panic attacks and was in an anxious state most of the week that I was there. Ive suffered loads in the past woth panic and anxiety but since having various councelling ibcluding CBT ive had it underr control gor a few years now. Anyway, i felt sick the whole time on holiday. Tried to go out for meals but just felt sick at the thought of eating. Once i got home it took a few weeks for my appetite to return pretty much to normal. However last night I went out for a meal with my boyfriend and his family and the horror of how I felt on holiday returned and I started worrying. Started eating my dinner and after 2 mouthfulls I started feeling sick to my stomach and barely ate anything, then spent the rest of the time there shaking and panicking ridiculously. Calmed down once I'd left. I just sat down with my boyfriend at home to eat Chinese which I normally love, and all of a sudden just didn't want to eat and started worrying and feeling sick again. What is happening to me :( my appetite is all over the place and I have a constant tense feeling in my stomach. Any tips? :) thank you

19-08-17, 20:48
It sounds like maybe you have begun associating food with sickness which may be causing some anxiety. On the other side, anxiety can also cause some changes that make your appetite go away. My best advice would be to find foods that you can stomach (I call these my safety foods) and eat them in a comfortable environment. Kind of like exposure therapy but with food!

Senior Moment
19-08-17, 21:08
Wow I am so glad to see that I am not alone with this eating problem. I have had lots of symptoms with my anxiety but this eating problem is quite a new thing. I feel hungry and decide what I want to eat and when it is ready I find I can only eat one or two mouthfuls !! I don't think I would even attempt to go out for a meal. Its becoming a real nightmare to be honest.

19-08-17, 23:12
Wow I am so glad to see that I am not alone with this eating problem. I have had lots of symptoms with my anxiety but this eating problem is quite a new thing. I feel hungry and decide what I want to eat and when it is ready I find I can only eat one or two mouthfuls !! I don't think I would even attempt to go out for a meal. Its becoming a real nightmare to be honest.

I hate that part of anxiety, the new symptoms, and feelings that randomly pop. It seems you get over one thing and a new one replaces it.

I often will make food then it will go bad because I can't bring myself to eat it. It sounds good one moment but when push comes to shove I can't do it. Stands to reason it is a head thing!

Hope this eases up for you soon.

20-08-17, 21:38
I too am struggling with this at the moment. My anxiety is not at crisis point any more but the the eating and digestion problems certainly are. They are just another symptom. Just keep eating something every so often. Have things like bananas and yoghurt avocados around and anything you fancy. Chips? Have you talked with your boyfriend about it? It's a symptom of anxiety and will go as the anxiety eases up. It really is exasperating when a new symptom pops up but it is just a symptom.

20-08-17, 22:53
Something easy to eat...soup is a good one, you can even put it in a mug and drink it if you want to.

02-09-17, 23:16
I sympathise with this so much. I actually joined this site to look for and ask for info on this subject! I can't work out what to eat when I'm in this state - I'm getting by on rubbish, but I'd really rather eat actual meals…