View Full Version : Does anyone experience body/body part 'jerks' while awake

19-08-17, 21:42
Here is a 'for instance'...

You are laying down, watching a movie, or sitting down watching a movie. You are completely still and then your foot moves on its own...or your elbow jerks a little. I know this is not a spasm, or a fasciculation..but rather a myoclonic jerk. What freaks me out is the short...short list of possible explanations of it whilst awake, and all are HORRIBLE..including mad cow disease. When looking at physiological reasons, it mentions anxiety, but then defines it as "tremors, shakes, or spasms". Spasms are painful contractions of muscles, tremors and shakes are self explanatory. I can't find anything saying anxiety or stress causes body jerks or flinches while awake.

Is there anyone here that personally experiences these in any degree while awake? So I can at least convince myself that yes, anxiety CAN cause body jerks..

20-08-17, 17:23

20-08-17, 17:34
When I was going through the illness with my wife, I was under a tremendous amount of stress and yes, I had twitches, jerks and all sorts of stress related symptoms. They resolved as things calmed down.

Positive thoughts

20-08-17, 17:54
then why does Google say anxiety can't cause vertigo?

20-08-17, 18:00
I have those jerks sometimes. It seems to be when I am going through the worst prolonged anxiety.


20-08-17, 18:21
Vertigo (dizziness) is an actual illness no doubt. Common causes are inner ear infections and other treatable or benign reasons. If you actually have it, then anxiety will make it worse. Only a medical professional can determine that.

That being said, in one of your posts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1710241) that you felt your body rocking or swaying. We're living beings, we literally pulsate with life. There's energy and movement involved. We sway, rock, twitch jerk etc. because of that very reason. Most people just aren't cognizant of it. Then there's someone with anxiety who is hyper-focusing on all those normal living things the body does and here you are.

I can say quite confidently that anyone, with enough focus, would feel the exact same thing. The difference is we just don't do that.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
20-08-17, 18:40
I get them quite often even without anxiety...they're just part of what makes up our nervous system. An exhausted nervous system can result in all manner of weird and random symptoms. We've all been there.

Cath S

20-08-17, 18:48
Vertigo is different from the dizziness you get with anxiety. Vertigo is usually caused by inner ear problems. Anxiety causes dizziness. I get very anxious about dizziness to the point where I get dizzy thinking about dizziness. I get anxious about situations that make ne dizzy like for example being on a swing, then even seeing a swing can make me dizzy. That's the power of the anxious mind! When you read that anxiety doesn't cause vertigo, it's the same as reading that anxiety doesn't causr heart attacks, but it does cause the same symptoms of chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath etc if that makes sense?

20-08-17, 20:32

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


20-08-17, 20:35
You're not alone, I've been having these for a while and it's coming from anxiety or stress or even muscle fatigue lol. But these are normal to me, sometimes irritating. :)

21-08-17, 00:49
Had these for aslong as I can remember, can be sitting down and my arm randomly decides to go flying in the air, pretty awkward when you are sitting in a work meeting! :doh:

21-08-17, 01:11
Had plenty of them too. Always worse when anxiety is at a higher stage and always decreases as anxiety does.

I still get the one one but they don't make you jerk as much and spark worry anymore.