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View Full Version : Question about CJD, please answer

20-08-17, 01:40
Im not too worried about the variant kind cause I don't live in the UK and haven't had any brain surgery. Only surgery I have had is dental, and had it done at the college of dentistry.

I am worried about the sporadic kind and am hoping someone can persuade me that it is likely NOT CJD and why?

I am 29 years old, female, no family history of it. I have just been suffering symptoms since February. I had a vertigo attack and a 2 week bout of insomnia. In late April I developed mild body jerks (laying and watching a movie my foot might flinch or elbow might jerk out a little. I also feel like I have a land legs situation going on, where boating, driving, flying exacerbate and cause me to feel like I am swaying or bobbing afterward.

I don't have any notable loss of memory or inability to do things. I can play complete piano compositions by heart. Etc.

I am worried about sporadic cjd, but only cause of the jerks and the vertigo..which I naturally tie together and are both symptoms of it, especially the jerking.

However I have had either one of the symptoms for near 4 months, and the sporadic is generally VERY aggressive and quick, with most people going from a mild headache to mutism in weeks.

I am just curious by anyone with any knowledge on the disease to help me feel as though this is not what is effecting me. Is it unlikely to be the cause besides the fact it is rare?

20-08-17, 15:40
Is it unlikely to be the cause besides the fact it is rare?

That and you'd be dead by now ;)

Positive thoughts