View Full Version : Am I having/about to have a heart attack??

20-08-17, 05:07
First of all I just want to apologize for being so worked up that I have posted on here multiple times now over the course of just a few days. But I am in so much pain and so scared.

So exactly one week ago, my husband accidentally made chlorine gas in our bathroom while trying to clean the tub. It resulted in me probably having the worst panic attack I have ever had in my life and I ran out of our apartment building and got myself locked out because I forgot my keys. I called poison control and talked to a nice lady who tried to assure me that it would be fine if I just aired out my apartment. Tried to call up to my husband like 10 times and he wouldn't answer his phone (because he was in the bathroom trying to deal with the gas) and I 100% believed he was dead from breathing it in. I even called up to our apartment on the box outside and he wasn't buzzing me in. I ran around outside freaking the hell out and crying for like 10 minutes, thinking he was dead or dying, until a nice woman let me in the building with her keys. When I finally got up to our apartment I was banging on the door screaming for my husband and he just opened the door all confused as to why I was acting completely insane and I fell down on the floor shaking and crying and feeling like I was about to vomit. I ended up going to the hospital because of the panic attack I was having and they gave me some fluids and sent me home.

Ever since the morning after the incident (this would be day 6 I think), I have had HORRIBLE pain in the entire left side of my rib cage, upper back, chest/breast area, and all throughout my left arm to the point I almost can't use it. When I raise that arm it feels weak and funny and heavy and when I rub it I can tell the muscles are very sore and tense. It's not a normal muscle ache feeling though it is like sharp shooting pains through the entire left side of my upper body. I have also been extremely fatigued, nauseated, blurry vision in my left eye, and I am thirsty no matter how much water I drink and all of these symptoms have been getting increasingly worse with every passing day. Am I having a heart attack or about to have one? Do I need to go back to the hospital? Will I die? I am 22, female, overweight but addressing the issue, work out regularly, I used to smoke but haven't for 3 years, and I had a ECG done last February and they said my heart was fine. I know people will say I am too young to have a heart attack but I know that's not true, and I am very certain that the amount of stress I went through last week may have taken a toll on my heart. I also read that you can have symptoms for days, weeks, or months before a heart attack strikes. I'm in so much pain I am in hysterical tears.

Also, unsure if this is related but they did give me fluids in my left arm when I was at the hospital and I've got an enormous nasty bruise from the IV. Taking some left over hydrocodone pills from an infection I had a few months ago helped a few days ago, but isn't helping now.

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

Someone please respond I really don't want to go to the hospital again if I don't have to:weep:

20-08-17, 05:28
Wow. Your going thru a hard time. Just by reading your post I can feel your anxiety. Stress is hard on the body for sure. But you must look at your thinking pattern. Your feeding into your symptoms. Your internalizing everything. Really pay attention to your thoughts you will see what Im telling you about.

Ive been where you been with the heart symptoms scary for sure. Would you be comfortable on an island all by yourself? Think about your answer?

20-08-17, 08:20
Sometimes after really bad panic attacks, I am very exhausted and my muscles ache for a few days. But it has never lasted this long before.. and the pain is similar to what I have gotten in the past but like 20 times more intense.

20-08-17, 09:57
I've had two hearts attacks. What you describe is not indicative of the progression as in retrospect there were some signs that were definitely warning signs.

You had a major meltdown and panic attack. Think of it like squirting lighter fluid on an already hot anxiety fire. You're bound to be beat up physically and mentally. Then, add googling and this persistent fear that you're feeding with Google and there you go. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

20-08-17, 17:06
You think some of the things I'm experiencing are warning signs? Should I go to the hospital or see a doctor?

20-08-17, 17:21
You think some of the things I'm experiencing are warning signs? Should I go to the hospital or see a doctor?

I spoke of a trait with HA to read something that screams "No" and the person reading it sees "Yes" :doh:

See a doctor? IMO, Not at all! I'm saying that when "I" look back at both my heart attacks, "I" had warning signs that I didn't recognize as such. Nothing you describe comes close. You say don't dismiss your age but I'm going to because you have a better chance at hitting the $650 Million dollar Powerball than having a heart attack at 22!

Positive thoughts

20-08-17, 18:51
I had chest pains and bad left arm pains (29 years old btw), when I went to the ER, they found I had trapped gas near my duodenum and told me my anxiety triggered intestinal distress and irritated the nerve that goes through your chest and down your arm. Anyone <34 has a 1 in 30,000 shot of having a heart attack, and it is a even bigger gap for someone your age. Without evident genetic predispositions to heart disease, congenial, or IHSS (which would be passed down by your parents) it would be near impossible for someone your age to have a heart attack. You had a ECG (and likely a blood panel) done recently, if you had any of the above mentioned, a abnormality would have been present. Btw, anxiety causes nausea and lack of interest in food which converts itself into insatiable thirst.

20-08-17, 18:54
I'm sorry that I misunderstood. I can be difficult to talk to or reason with during my periods of high anxiety.. I'm sure everyone remembers my rabies incident (which I hardly even think about anymore). I'll try to take your word for it and calm down.

I do have a question about the chlorine gas though.. since it happened in my bath tub, is it safe for me to take baths? I take hot baths when I have bad panic attacks to relax and I've taken a few since the gas thing happened. My husband did wash out the tub as best as he could after he realized what he had done, but now I'm worried I may be soaking myself in remnants of toxic chemicals. Neither poison control or the hospital I went to mentioned that I shouldn't go in my bath tub or shower, but I didn't really ask their opinion on it.

20-08-17, 19:16
I'm sorry that I misunderstood. I can be difficult to talk to or reason with during my periods of high anxiety.. I'm sure everyone remembers my rabies incident (which I hardly even think about anymore). I'll try to take your word for it and calm down.

I do have a question about the chlorine gas though.. since it happened in my bath tub, is it safe for me to take baths? I take hot baths when I have bad panic attacks to relax and I've taken a few since the gas thing happened. My husband did wash out the tub as best as he could after he realized what he had done, but now I'm worried I may be soaking myself in remnants of toxic chemicals. Neither poison control or the hospital I went to mentioned that I shouldn't go in my bath tub or shower, but I didn't really ask their opinion on it.

That's the way! :yesyes: And you're perfectly safe to take a bath. It was a gas that has long since dissipated and as you said, it helps your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
20-08-17, 21:41
Hi hun been reading your posts hope your feeling a little better today?. I know exactly how u feel I'm getting chest pain. Ive had this many times in my life but gps always put it down to anxiety. My symptoms started in centre of chest then over to my left under breast and shoulder and arm its scary as hell my hubby keeps saying if its was heart attack would of happened by now. U just don't see it. Its real the pains are no one will ever convince me there not.

20-08-17, 23:07
Its real the pains are no one will ever convince me there not.

I don't believe anyone has ever denied that you or anyone has pain. The one common thread is that it's not sinister and anxiety makes it worse.

Positive thoughts

22-08-17, 15:37
This is probably unrelated but it started last night and I'm worried. I drank a lot of water in a short time yesterday, while I was working out. I had to pee about half an hour into my workout but decided to push through to the end instead of stopping to go pee. I had to go so bad it was painful, and my bladder was starting to ache. I felt like I was going to burst. After my workout I went to the toilet and I sat down expecting Niagra falls to come out of me and literally barely a drop came out. Since last night I have barely urinated at all, despite drinking plenty of water.. and now I'm starting to feel like I have to pee constantly like I have a UTI or something. I have had UTIs before though, and I still pee normal amounts most of the time when I have them. I know that it's not dehydration because the small amount of urine I do release is clear. I have literally peed a few drops since yesterday even though I have had a ton of fluid. I read some stuff and everyone says something is blocking my bladder and that if I don't go to the hospital now I'll end up with kidney failure. I'm very scared and I'm sick of this. It's been one thing after another for over a week now.

Hears The Water
25-08-17, 20:21
You said you had pain on your left side. You also said that you fell on the floor when you went back into your apartment. Did you happen to fall on the left side? Even if you didn't perhaps you jarred something that is putting pressure on a nerve or two. Those can make some seriously odd and painful things happen.

As far as being able to pee. Is there a possibility that you are just so tensed up and anxious that you are keeping your bladder from releasing? Irregarless of the cause, if you can't pee after a while it might be time to go back to the ER so they can rule out anything, and at the very least help you pee. As you have been told, you really need to do that soon. HTH.
God bless you and yours

17-05-18, 19:19
Also for women, over 50 percent of them reported no pain in left side, it was all on right side, or center of chest, but theirs was like a fullness/squeezing like someone taking a rope and tying it tightly around their chest, every woman that has had a heartattack reported their first symptoms were, sweating as if just ran a marathon, shortness of breath like having just ran a marathon, feeling very very fatigued, arms tingling and feeling, pain between shoulder blades and neck, and back, feeling like they have the flu, a migraine, and vomiting and sick to stomach.