View Full Version : Unbearable nausea, please help :(

20-08-17, 08:18
Well after 3 years of building myself back up from my last big anxiety episode, I'm back in a terrible place. This time around the symptom that is causing me severe distress is nausea, especially in the morning when I wake up. It's so bad that I can barely move without wanting to throw up. I've had really bad diarrhea but haven't actually thrown up. My doctor prescribed cyclizine for the nausea but it hasn't seemed to help, the only thing that improves the nausea is forcing myself to drink a protein shake. It takes me all morning to get to a place where I can function which means that I haven't been able to go to work. I've only been in my current job for 6 months and the thought of being signed off because of this is making the anxiety even worse.

I have been sick with a virus (this is what triggered the anxiety) but I don't think this is what's causing the nausea. My doctor said I may have post nasal drip which could be what's causing the nausea (as it builds up in my stomach overnight) but I'm not convinced. I don't know if it's post nasal drip, IBS, just anxiety...it's driving me insane. Every morning is such a battle and I'm running out of fight. I'm taking daily citalopram and Propranolol but the anxiety is winning at the moment.

Has anybody else suffered in this way? I really am desperate for advice and support.

Pea Tear Griffin
20-08-17, 10:02
How long have you been taking the citalopram?

It could be nasal drip but Anxiety nearly always affects the stomach in one way or another.

20-08-17, 10:31
I've been taking Citalopram for 3 years. I've never had nausea like this before.

Pea Tear Griffin
22-08-17, 13:20
The Doctor is probably right about the nasal drip or your meds could need changing.

30-08-17, 04:27
What happens if you burp? Does it feel better?

Are you only nauseated in the morning before eating?

05-09-17, 08:07
Hi, I just read your post and have similar symptoms.
I had flu followed by bad sinusitis and post nasal drip which is what the doc thought was causing the nausea.
But the flu and sinusitis cleared up. All I'm left with is this nausea. I wake up with it and it sometimes lasts all day. Often by evening I feel better and very hungry.
And it's not every day either. But because I have HA it causes a lot of anxiety. And I'm sure the anxiety causes more nausea.....
It seems to follow the same pattern as anxiety anyway.....worse in the morning and eases off in the evening.
Did you get over yours? Any advice or suggestions you could share?