View Full Version : Rides?

03-06-07, 18:52
I went to the local theme park yesterday and I was wondering, how many of us that have PAs are able to go on Rollercoasters and rides?

I love theme parks, though I haven't been on a ride since I started having PA's and I'm not sure what will happen when and if I do, if I will get claustrophobic or if my heart will race and stuff. I freaked out last winter in an elevator, if that has any indication of how I take this kind of thing. I've been doing a lot better now, though.

But on the other hand, I REALLY really want to ride things, I love them (except the tall rollercoasters) and I used to enjoy the feeling of being dizzy. The anticipatory anxiety is what gets to me every time--working myself up into a frenzy so I will end up experiencing what I assumed I automatically would. Now I'm not sure how I'm going to take it. I have a feeling I'm probably just going to go for it and if I have a PA, so what, at least I tried. (It's easy to write this, but let's see what happens when I go there! XD)

Honestly I was afraid of riding coasters last year because I was worried about my heart (which is where my PAs mainly came from, the fear of it beating fast and causing a heart attack or something, whatever I thought.) Except now after having them, I think I know exactly what will happen if my heart beats fast (nothing!) soo...it's just the duration I think I'm worried about now.

In any case, like the spinning and water rides, but I hate the feeling of falling, even during those large splashes in the water rides. XD I like the speed of coasters but I hate the falling feeling, again.

03-06-07, 19:13
I love anything which gives an adrenalin rush. That includes Theme Parks.

Last them park I went to was Six Flags Arlington TX, and some of the larger rides there are superb.

The problem is, I now understand the physics of how they work, and it kinda takes the fun out of them a bit!

I guess you just have to remember that a 'Thrill Ride' is designed to take the human body to near the limit of what is deemed as 'safe'. We all know the body can withstand much more, but lines have to be drawn somewhere.

It's amazing how something which is engineered to be so safe can make you feel so uneasy. Superb! :yesyes:

03-06-07, 19:20

I could never get on any theme park ride even as a child. I am terrified of heights. In the last few years while on medication I tried with my youngest child and found them quite fun. A year ago I went to Busch Gardens and rode some really wild roller coasters (the ones that take you upside down) and yes I was terrified but it was so fast I really didn't have time to be scared. Problem is now I'm too old to ride them as the next day I felt banged up so badly I could hardly walk. :mad: I'm still terrified of heights to drive thru the mountains and things like that but while on meds I can do things I wouldn't normally be able to do. Off medication, well that would probably be another story. :shrug:


03-06-07, 22:46
i hate all those rides the smells the whole works never could handle it .
linda xx

Brandy snap
04-06-07, 02:30
I have read several worrying articles on things that can happen inside your head and eyes on certain rides. I only go on the carousel now (up and down horses!) and dodgems. I'm worried my eyes might protrude and not go back in their sockets on anything which propels you very fast then suddenly stops, also possible harm resulting from the jolt to your brain when it can carry on moving inside your head after your head itself has stopped. I am a permanent non-stop worrier! Before health anxiety and panic attacks I could go on anything. Brandy Snap x

04-06-07, 03:10
I can go on certain rides, which are any that stay on the ground like those giant 'tea and saucer' rides. I go on them but I don't like them.

Roller Costers and the big wheel are an absolute no no. I won't go on any ride that takes you off the ground. If I want that affect I just have a panic attack - much cheaper! lol
The feelings you get on these rides art to similiar to panic attack feelings for me.

When I was a child I would go on any ride, no matter how scary.


04-06-07, 03:28
Depends how you define "rides"....the ones where you go upside, fast, spin, dangle, go up high, etc....no way. Even just watching makes me freak. But the ones with slow moving bumper boat things, their at Six Flags no idea what its called, where all you do is drift along a waterway thats less than 4 feet deep(afraid of drowning) is excellent-could ride on those all day long. 'Course thats more a "break" than a "ride" but oh well.:blush:

04-06-07, 09:57
Brill thread!I have often wondered about this myself!As i think fear and the feelings that go with it are replicated on a roller coaster,yet some members can go on them and enjoy them??:shrug: I would love to have a go but dread the terror of it!iI feel as tho i miss out on things at times,still some one has to watch the hand bags!!:D Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-06-07, 12:05
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Despite my normal background anxiety, I quite enjoy going to theme parks. The thing though which stops me from going on some of the rides, or sometimes going to a theme park is the Panic Attacks, not actually the shyness and General Background Anxiety. When my and my family go to theme parks we go to Drayton Manor and Alton Towers. I always had a fear of going on fast rides and only went on the medium and slow rides like the Splash Cannon, or the Cable Cars ride.


About a year and a half ago going to Alton Towers and after a few rides, we came across Rita Queen of Speed, and I was very tempted to go on it as it did seem like it was going to be fun and it doesn't go upside down. So I waited in the queue for at least a hour and in that time I was shaking, tensing up, and felt a little sick with worry, although it didn't feel quite like a Panic Attack as it didn't feel out of the ordinary. It was just a build up of worry waiting to go onto the fast ride.

Then, at last I was ready to go onto the the ride sitting in the cart thing. All I had to wait for now was a minute until the ride suddenly shoots of, and waiting for this minute to pass really was making me feel extremely worried with my heart beating faster, but I knew it was too late to drop out now as the ride was about to start. When I heard the signal showing that the ride was about to move, the cart went backwards just a notch getting ready to suddenly lanch itself foward mega fast, and then it shot off. At this point, I had my eyes closed, because it was going so fast that I thought something bad was going to happen to me, but strangely, as it started to turn the first corner it wasn't that bad and I was actually starting to really enjoy it when it got round the second corner. In fact as it got round the thrid corner I was almost tempted to cheer eventhough I'm quite shy. From then on I loved every bit of it.

After the ride I was very pleased with myself and my sister actually told me it was a rollercoaster I had just went on, and I didn't even realsie because I always thought rollercoasters were those fast rides which also had to travel upsidedown.

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To tell you the truth I'd go as far as saying it was one of mt favourite moments I've ever had. Now all I need to do is make myself go on Rollercoasters which travel upsidedown and do loop the loops.
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

04-06-07, 13:18
If I was to go on a rollercoaster I would need a set of jumpleads and a cardiac ambulance and I'm not kidding lol. xx

04-06-07, 13:22
i haven't voted as i haven't been to a theme park since my PA's began. i think i'd be ok if i was having a good day. i have been on them when i was in my teens and i think age would also be a big factor if i got too scared to try them now. hope this helps :D

04-06-07, 14:11
I was sick when I was 13 from being on the waltzers - so that's deffo out.

I will go on a dodgem driving beautifully safely and never bang into anyone - which sorta misses the whole point!!:blush:

I may sit in a tea cup - but only on a good day!!

Piglet :flowers:

04-06-07, 14:24
ROFL Piglet !!

:) :) :) :)

I like the idea of the tea-cups !but maybe this is more your cup of tea !



04-06-07, 15:16
There look how comfy and relaxed I look!!!

Piglet :flowers:

04-06-07, 15:52
Good question... I'd been wondering about that too.

I used to love those rides at Alton Towers though I haven't been for years. I can go on dodgems and carousel with my little girl. I used to love the waltzer and other rides like that. Now I'm managing my anxiety better I could give it a go if I was having a good day.

But the thing that really worries me is not being able to get off if I didn't like it! Thats the claustrophobia bit of anxiety I suppose.

And also, I get dizzy when I go on the roundabout in the park with my daughter!!! LOL

05-06-07, 11:48
i was the ultimate adrenaline junkie before my panic attacks started... riding on the bvack of an R1 (motorbike) at 150mph.... parachute jumps... rollercoasters... you name it - i loved it... now i just like to stand and watch (but only if someone will stay with me)...

05-06-07, 14:24
I was taken to Alton Towers back in 1992/3 when i was 17 years old (AND NORMAL!!!). I was with a group of friends who LOVED rides. I spent TWO DAYS waiting....and waiting.....and waiting for them!!! It was when the "Beast" had just opened and the wait for that one was 2 flipping hours. I went on 2 rides the entire time, the log flume and the childrens teacups and even that made me feel sick. At one ride i was waiting for them to go on, i think it was the pirate ship i saw 2 people get off and throw up.........
That sealed my case!!!!!!! NEVER was i going on a ride - ever!


05-06-07, 19:41
I used to love em all. Since i have been ill, two years ago, NO WAY AT ALL!!
Too scared to even think about them really, lol.
Bit sad really as i used to go on all of them over and over and over again until i couldn't see straight.

07-06-07, 18:15
My first very bad experience of a roller coaster was at Southsea FunFair in Portsmouth back in 1968 !!

The roller coaster goes right to the edge of the quayside near the sea (don't know if it's still there even!) - and I thought I was going to die.......especially when we got stuck at the very top!!:ohmy::ohmy:

Six years before that when I was 8 years old I got stuck at the top of the Big Ferris Wheel, in the same FunFair !!:ohmy::huh:

See, even little GG had hairy-scary moments of catastrophe !!:shrug:

Last time I went on anything was the Baby Caterpillar Rollercoaster (just as scary as the big adult one in my opinion :huh:!!) and the Log Flume at Alton Towers when I was eight months pregnant with daughter number three !! Not the wisest activity - midwife still doesn't know til this day !!

However, I can now climb to the top of Smeaton's Tower on Plymouth Hoe without too much aggro - praps that's because it doesn't move lol !!

But I'm still determined to do that ballon ride when I'm 80 :yahoo:!!


11-06-07, 22:58
Hi there,

Im such a scardey cat and I dont do the 'big rides' I think I would be paranoid about my heart however all those that are not scardey cats should just go for it, do the rides and enjoy them!!!!!

Have fun over the summer - but yep I would probably stick to the 'teacups'!!!! lol

Shaz x