View Full Version : Long term medication use

20-08-17, 13:54
I want to know if someone can help me out here. I've recently been to my doctors and have decided it's time to try coming off all my medication.
I started taking regular medication at 14 years old and i am now 24. I have had medication every day for the past 10 years.
I was diagnosed with a skin disease which I have been on over 30 different drugs for the most recent one that I have just stopped is an off license dose of Erythromycin.
Unknown why I was also diagnosed with intracranial hypertension which then was re-diagnosed as just chronic migraines. So I have been on a lot of medication in the past for that, most recent Metoprolol.
I also suffer from depression and anxiety for many years so have been on many drugs for this. The doctor has advised I come down off my Venflaxine so I'm now on half my original dose of that.
Due to all these tablets I also suffer with acid problems so have also been taking Omeprazole and Ranitidine for about 5-6 years.
I have just stopped all these medications listed above (apart from the half dose of Venflaxine) and I've got to say I feel AWFUL.

It's been 3 days off them all and I ache everywhere, I have the worst headache imaginable, I'm being sick, my heart and head are racing, I can't stop going to the toilet, I've got chills and I keep grinding my teeth. Is this all withdrawal from these medications? Will this stop on it's own and if so what's the kind of time frame? I need to try being off these meds a decade on constant medication at a young age I don't feel is good for me and some of the drugs I've been on are awful. Any advice would be great.

20-08-17, 15:32
Did you discuss this withdraw with your doctor? It's unwise to stop many medications cold turkey (that's what I'm gathering from your post) as weaning off would lessen the chances of withdraw.

This is a situation where I would consult with your doctor, voice your concerns and if they feel you're ready, follow strict guidelines for doing so.

Positive thoughts

20-08-17, 15:42
Hi hunny so sorry to hear your feeling unwell, big hugs to you. It's a lot of medication to come off in one go, maybe getting off one at a time would of been easier.
My guess is the majority of your symptoms right now are because of halving your dose of venlafaxine. It's an awful drug to come off and must be done very slowly.
What dose were you on before cutting it in half? How long were you on that dose ?
It is possible to come off it safely but reducing slowly over months is the way to do it I should know I've successfully come off 4 times in the past. Please take your time, message me if you need any help and support xx

20-08-17, 16:07
What was the Ven taper? It should be slow and small. If not, that's a prime candidate for how you are feeling and restoring the dose to wean off slower will help.

20-08-17, 17:30
I'd say that you're perhaps trying to do too much too soon. Your body has adjusted over many years to the changes that these medications make and you need to allow it time to gradually adjust to being without them. It might be a good idea to reduce the drugs more gradually over a longer time frame, this would be gentler on your body

22-08-17, 06:28
Thank you for all the replies.
I did discuss coming off my medication with my doctor, she was the one that told me to stop all of the others cold turkey and reduce the Venflaxine.
The venflaxine dose I was on was 75mg and I was on that for about 9 months. It's been reduced to half of that now.. is this drug the reason I'm feeling so crappy then?