View Full Version : Finally some progress and some tips to help you

20-08-17, 15:57
Hi All
Finally after sick weeks of hell I have been able to go out. Sounds stupid but all I want to do is do normal things without heart palpitations, tension headaches, weird feet feelings. So this weekend I've been to the tip, cut some trees down see a friend. Im not 100% I won't lie but I want to share with you some steps I've taken to get where I have.

1. rest, rest and more rest - put a box set on (shed and buried or salvage hunter is my weapons of choice) try and switch that mind off away from the beast trying to eat you. You need to try and relax do things just to make your body destress because I never knew how much stress can damage the body so now I am definitely relaxing more :)
2. Eat - I had trouble with eating and drinking for weeks because of the Citalopram and had to come off them but now manage to eat meals again and feel a lot better for it. Eat small and frequently I find. its ok to eat bad swell once I am fully fit I will be back eating super clean
3. Plan - Plan things for when you are better. Days out with the loved ones. DIY around the house made small goals or big goals like me going to try and open a business.
4. Use this website and communicate with others - Honestly this website has helped me and will help you but you need to use it and chat to others. We are all in the same boat riding the worse river but if we help each other it eases the pain. Honestly I love making new friends so just pop me a message if you are ever bored, lonely or fancy chatting about anything I am always on here and will get back to you asap.

I hope this helps. Let me know how you get on. Give it a try and see what happens.



20-08-17, 19:37
Hi Matt. You made me smile! I find attacking plants always helps me too Anything that gets you out and is excercise. I am super struggling with the eating too but I find the anxiety lifts a little in the evening and then I try and get some more food in. I've got to get back down to a bit of work tomorrow after a big break so I'm nervous. But I will take it in small steps. Also going for lunch with some friends tomorrow. Not sure how I will eat and in the evening going for a meditation taster session. Trying to keep busy and learn new things. I have been on Citalopram for eight years. The start was horrendous but they have been the best years of my life despite a few curveballs. I have also had psychotherapy which helped enormously too. Good luck, keep chopping the trees and take up spoon carving or whittling. Xx

20-08-17, 19:55
Hi Superscaredycat,

Thank you for this comment :) yeah I found it hard work and was tired. I kept having to take breaks but slow and steady wins the race.. right haha
Good luck with work tomorrow take it nice and slow and ease yourself back into the norm. I can't do citalopram it make me so sick but I will go back on escitalopram I was on them for 6 years but need to get myself in a well enough state before I tackle that hurdle.
Funny enough you are not far wrong with the spoon carving but I will be doing a lot of upcycling haha

Good luck here if you need support :)


21-08-17, 06:26
Hey Matt. Huge congrats on your progress, it's always encouraging to hear progress can be made from this nightmare. I am currently experiencing my own personal hell. I agree that rest is so important, but I cannot find mental rest, especially at night. Do you/did you sleep well ? This is a big problem for me at the moment, with my mind convincing me of all manner of catastrophes during the early hours.

I liked your list of things to do. I'm going back to the uk soon to spend time with my family, and hopeful this time with them will be a tonic. I spend a lot of time in my garden, trying to keep occupied. Gardening is such a therapeutic activity. I retired early last year and moved to rural France with my wife. Ironically to escape the rat race and find inner peace, but the peace I am seeking has yet to be found.

I also agree about the value of using this forum? There are so many kind people on here willing to offer words of encouragement and advice. I hope your progress continues and you finally free yourself from for good from your own difficulties. Best wishes. Les

21-08-17, 12:37
Hi Les, im glad you liked this post :)
with sleeping I do find difficult but i do things like sleep with the tv on really quiet. Its sounds silly but you kinda listen to that more than your thoughts and drift off. Another technique I use is planning stuff. Currently I am going to take on a massive new venture with a business and I plan in my head what im going to do tomorrow and push the other thoughts out. In my recovery I forgot to mention model kit building helped me alot because i would focus on that more than myself so try that Les see hoe you get on. I hope things pick up for you if you ever want to chat or anything just message me the door is open :)


---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 ----------

Just want to add I made it to Wickes today and bought some stuff all by myself. Amazing feeling I got back no palpitations, no tension headaches just right I need to build this and cracked on. Slow motion is better than no motion!

09-09-17, 12:54
Hi All,

Just a update on more things I have done to help me on this quest of recovery.
So I have been having CBT and only 2nd session in but it has given me some more tools you use to combat the panic attacks. 1. Is a app called calm it helps slow your breathing and if you practice your breathing it will help stop the panic getting into a crazy state. Also helps relax you and help you nod off to sleep
2. Lavender oil... Yes use oils and make them your safety scent I love vaporising lavender and using the calm app its just so nice to chill out to in the evening :)
3. Reading - This only happened yesterday when I picked up a book but my lord it helped and I was just fully emerged in the book and half of it was gone.

Try these out and my previous tips and see how you get on it might help it might not at least you are trying thats the main thing :)


09-09-17, 13:02
Hey Matt,, I love how positive you sound, I could do with some off that lol., I fine my anxiety manifests around my ectopic beats every 3rd beat or every beats scares me, just want them to leave me, I've actually hurt my neck with tensing so much when I get them.,, anyway I wasn't leaving this post to whinge about myself it was more to say keep up with your positivity :-)

09-09-17, 13:08
thank you for your kind words KitKat :) My neck is always so tense have you booked in for a massage or Chiropractors? I find it helps :) also they're some water bottles shaped to go around your neck.

Hope it helps :) If you ever want to chat just drop me a PM
