View Full Version : Going to the GP again

20-08-17, 19:36
I think with my symptoms and worries I should go to the GP.

I worrying I still have testicle cancer even though thelast ultrasound in May 17 showed the cysts I had in 2016, testiclefeel smooth still, no hard, no grown bigger, got smaller , still feeling cyts, tubes, but scared one is a lump.

Also worried about leg and arm pain could this be bone cancer, I had recently changed my shoes/trainers. I am scared of every pain is cancer, I know I should not be googling. I am not feeling like I am in my own body.

Time to stop Googling and seek some help.

20-08-17, 19:58
You are right, you do know what you need to do. To be honest that's the first step.

I'm the same way I fixate on 'C' too I have banned myself from googling and it wasn't easy, as it breaking any habit, but I can hand on heart say it has been weeks if not months and surprisingly pretty much all 'symptoms' have actually disappeared.

The thoughts that usually wind up helping me out is the thought that I have been checked out and my dr wasn't even concerned enough for further tests. Also how many different cancers have you been convinced you have? I know I've 'had' pretty much all of them that I could think of. What would be the chances that I actually do have all of these different cancers! Especially as I am 23 years old!

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20-08-17, 21:03
It's fantastic that you've reached the point you need help. Reaching out for that help is the very first step!

20-08-17, 23:38
Re your arms and legs, it sounds like you're doing what I do. Piecing things together to fit when they don't really. You're probably hyper aware of your body and the aches are probably just normal sensations. When I thought I had a certain cancer I was obsessed with my arm pain but when I moved onto something else my arm felt better.

21-08-17, 00:23
Re your arms and legs, it sounds like you're doing what I do. Piecing things together to fit when they don't really. You're probably hyper aware of your body and the aches are probably just normal sensations. When I thought I had a certain cancer I was obsessed with my arm pain but when I moved onto something else my arm felt better.

I'm exactly the same, I have a 'flavour of the month if you will' what ever horrid thing I have that month will fade away when my logical mind, or that of my partner gives enough credible reasons as to why I don't have it and all the symptoms seem to fade with it until there's a new thing to fixate on.

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