View Full Version : scared of a future colostomy???

21-08-17, 04:20
i've always pooped once a week, before it took me even longer. during that week, i sometimes get cramps (not really big ones) and pains, as if i could feel my bowels working to get the poop moving. i also often get a bit of brown discharge from my anus, like leftover poop, but i started having that when i started having hemorrhoids. i've had blood tests and x rays, that all came up perfect, unless that i had a lot of stool, but i think the x ray was taken before i had a bowel movement. it's normal for me, but i'm scared that this will lead to me getting a colostomy bag. it's kinda ridiculous, i know. but i'm scared that i'll have to change an aspect of my life, that i'll have more responsibilities added to my already existing ones. i know people live just fine with a bag, but it still scares me. it's more of a rant than a question, actually. but i want to know if anyone relates to my fears, not about exactly the same thing, but about future medical issues.

21-08-17, 05:03
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I do have an autoimmune disease, so I can understand fearing the future effects of it. Would solving your current issue (constipation) help relieve your fears?

21-08-17, 05:23
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I do have an autoimmune disease, so I can understand fearing the future effects of it. Would solving your current issue (constipation) help relieve your fears?

uh well
i tried a different diet and lots of things to help with constipation and none of them worked...
and my stools are perfectly okay too
there's a difference between my normal bowel movements and when i'm constipated so i probably have slower bowels?
if i ever get a doctors appointment i'll mention it to him

i hope you'll feel well in the future despite the disease :^)
(i don't know if it's an appropriate thing to say i'm so sorry if it isn't)

21-08-17, 05:43
The only people I know who get colostomies for constipation are those that go about once a month. They have severe symptoms. In these cases it is such a relief and improvement in quality of life.Even if this is the case usually just a resection is needed and the colostomy can be reversed or none is needed at all. This is very rare though. I have only met 2 people in ostomy groups with colostomies due to constipation (and there are thousands in these groups). Nothing you said sounds like you need a colostomy.

I personally have an ileostomy because of crohn's and it has made my life so much better.

21-08-17, 06:02
oh, that's interesting! i've heard of people getting colostomies for crohn's, and my step mother has it but never got a colostomy,. is it optional, or needed when it gets bad? it seems like everyone lives with this disease differently

21-08-17, 06:08
In crohn's it's usually done when you get really bad or if you have cancer. For me my disease wasn't really that bad at the time if the operation because I was on biologics but I had very nasty fistulas which were not fixable so I had to for sure get my rectum removed and because of risks of relapse (I have severe Crohn's when flaring) he decided to take my colon as well (I had a total proctocolectomy). That's wht I have an ileostomy (my stoma is the end of my ileum) instead of a colostomy.

21-08-17, 06:20
i see! i'm glad your life is better now that you had it done :^)