View Full Version : Muscle Aches in Upper Arms and Legs

21-08-17, 13:08
I have been experiencing aching and heavy feelings in my upper arms and legs. It started 2-3 months ago where it was just my upper left arm and now it is both arms and both legs. Sometimes it is worse than others. It's not really pain but just aching and kind of a weak feeling although I haven't noticed any actual weakness. Sometimes my legs just feel like rubber but I am able to walk normally when they feel like this. Does anyone else have these kind of muscle aches ?

I have had health anxiety for years but never really believe that my symptoms are "only" from that. I hate waking up every morning and right away starting to evaluate every body sensation.

I am 52 years old and I'm trying to convince myself that this could be hormonal as I am in perimenopause. Also my ferritin (iron stores) are a bit low but have improved a bit in the last 3 months. My thyroid is within normal range but perhaps a bit high (TSH is 3.2) as I have read that this level may not be optimal for some people.

I am trying to convince myself that this could be many things that are not life threatening but I keep coming back to ALS and MS.

This is really starting to control my life. Help !