View Full Version : Could a spot on the groin bring up a lymph node near it

21-08-17, 13:46
Just a quick question about the lymph nodes! I have quite a big spot on my groin, very red and looks like there could be some pus in there(sorry for the image), its been there about a week and after football yesterday I was stretching and rubbing my groins when I felt it was sore to touch and found the swollen lymph node, I can always feel them in my groins anywhere but this one feels a bit bigger and hurts/tender when I touch it. Is this normal or something to worry about?

21-08-17, 13:56
Stretching skin & muscle in certain ways is how doctors are trained to examine lymph nodes. So, the first thing that springs to mind is whether it appears larger because you've gained better access to it than before?

But aside from that, lymph nodes swell due to responding to localised infection. They commonly swell in the neck when we have throat infections or near to infected teeth, etc. It's part of the immune response.

21-08-17, 15:39
Could a spot on the groin bring up a lymph node near it?

Based on what you described (a boil or infected pimple), absolutely!

Positive thoughts

22-08-17, 00:17
Stretching skin & muscle in certain ways is how doctors are trained to examine lymph nodes. So, the first thing that springs to mind is whether it appears larger because you've gained better access to it than before?

Thanks for the replies guys! Yeah true as they way I was stretching and rubbing I have never done before so I would never have felt it before like that.

Could a spot on the groin bring up a lymph node near it?

Based on what you described (a boil or infected pimple), absolutely!

Positive thoughts

Yeah I think it is a boil by looking at it, I am not letting the HA take over though and thinking realistic ''I have a sore swollen lymph node and a big ol' boil just down from it, so its obviously the reason for the swelling!''

Always better to post on here though than ask Dr.Google who would be giving me all sorts of crazy information :lac:

25-09-17, 17:48
Thought i'd just post on here instead of making a new thread, HA has been great the past few weeks and also had a little break from the forum and internet in general, but today I felt my groin and the node for the first time in about 4 weeks and I felt the node was still there, has not got any bigger but it is normal for it to still be there after 4-5 weeks after infection?


25-09-17, 21:31
I got bitten by a horsefly, my whole thigh was swollen.....couple of days later I had 3 enlarged lymph nodes on my groin, a year later they are still there. This is the start of my HA spiral and a year later I'm now on brain tumour. It's been horrendous please don't fall down the same hole I did!

Just to add after 5 doc telling me I was fine I paid private for a scan, result was "you have enlarged lymph nodes due to your bite"
Complete waste of time and (a lot) of money!