View Full Version : Another vision question.

04-06-07, 02:03
I have had three episodes in the last three days, where I feel like I can't see
properly. I feel like I have blind spots, so when I look in the mirror I can't quite see my whole face. The other day I could not see anything to the left of me for a while. After that scary incident I was going to rush to the hospital, but while washing my face I saw a rather large goopy thing in my eye. It was about a half inch long with a black dot in it. I figured that it must have been moving over my pupil. I felt much better and had no problems the next day. Then today I had problems again. I went to the walk in clinic and told them about my problem. I am also having alot of pain in my collar bone shoulder area, so I told them about that also. I thought there might be a pinched nerve causing both. Anyways, the doctor seemed more focused on my shoulder and thinks that it is a muscular problem causing the pain and prescribed some muscle relaxers.
She did not seem that concerned about my vision. She looked in my eyes, had me follow her finger, checked my strenth and said not to worry about it.
She said that if it continues to see a eye doctor. My Question is if anybody has had a similar experience and if they think it could be caused by anxiety. My anxiety had been improving until this incident and I did not feel overly stressed before my vision problems happened, but I am in a great deel of pain around my collar bone. Needless to say I am very anxious now.


05-06-07, 16:37
Hi Tiff,

Sorry to hear about your collar bone, Please try and relax, I know its hard for you but this CAN be fixed.

As for your vision, why not go and get your eyes checked, peace of mind goes along way.

I have had funny things happen with my eyes, all symptoms of anxiety for me. Even had the blind spots and the feeling of not being able to see propley. I did have my eyes checked, all clear, I put this down to migrain, you can have funny vison with migrain, BUT without the headach, caused by stress.

Do you have relaxation CD, this helps with this problem, also helps relax your musculs.

Hope his helps a little Tiff.



05-06-07, 18:46
Tiff, try not to be anxious about this. The blind spot thing sounds very much like a migraine aura (sometimes called ocular migraine). You get a blurry area, usually on one side, which lasts about 20 mins but you get no headache. Some people get bright lines and zigzags around the edge of the blurry bit. A few people on here have it, so is probably linked to stress in some way (and sometimes hormones too).

One day, I had to endure a whole conversation with my (now ex-) mother-in-law whilst having a migraine aura. I couldn't see her face properly at all - it looked like that Picasso painting of the face with the eyes, nose and ears all rearranged! I never said anything...

Eeb x

06-06-07, 01:11
I get the aura too. It scared me the first time and I rushed to the Dr who explained it in great detail.
It still happens but now it's more of an inconvenience than a worry.
Hope this helps.
Phill :shades:

12-06-07, 02:38

After a fourth episode I went to my gp. Who told me it sounded like a ocular migraine. She tried to tell me that I don't have an anuerism or tumor. She also set up an appointment for me with an opthamologist. I saw him today
he gave my eyes a clean bill of health, said ocular migraine, and yet again I was told No Tumor. I only wish I could somehow believe them. Nobody really knows what is in my head. I am now afraid to be alone with my baby again.