View Full Version : heart issues or not?

21-08-17, 16:13
Hi all,

Im new to posting here but have been reading the forums for a while now.

About 9 months to a year ago, I had a strange feeling in my chest. My wife was out and I was sitting down to eat some home cooked Chinese food.

So I was alone at the time. My wife doesn't often go out without me, but I don't go out alot. I was looking forward to the food and TV too.

Anyway about half way through eating I got this strange feeling in my chest. If I had to describe it. It felt like my heart was missing a beat. There was like a pause in my upper body (mid chest) upwards for a split second.

This happened again a few second later. It happened a few more times over the next hour or some. I stopped eating after the second or third one and went outside as I was getting very hot too and panicking.

It didn't help much so I just took my self to bed early and eventually fell asleep.

This was much better by morning but not gone. By lunchtime of that day it was still happening and I was so worried I went to see my doctor. He checked me over and said my heart sounds fine and my blood and oxygen stats were ok too.

He asked me to come back in a couple of days and have an ecg done.

This I did which took about 10 minutes max. The nurse took the results to the doctor who came and saw me. He said everything was as he expected and my heart was fine.

It didn't feel fine to me. But he also did some blood work and sent that off which all came back fine. Low cholesterol and kidneys and liver all fine, thyroid all fine. Every test was fine.

He said he wanted me to loose a bit of weight but other than that I am health.

After a while and getting into a diet I was happy with. Everything settled down and I was fine.

Until about 6 weeks ago when it started to happen again. So much so I ended up in accident and emergency, where they strapped me to another ecg for testing.

Everything came back fine and the doctor there said apart from a slightly raise bloods pressure all is normal and that he thought I was having a panic attack.

He was going to right to my GP dr and tell them everything too.

So I went to see my GP, I have two. This was the other one from the first time. She did another ecg and another set of blood work. And also ordered a 24 hour ecg monitor.

Again all the tests came back good. All my ecgs have been fine and bloods the same.

She said its anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I am on medication for that now and I was getting better. I also started doing a lot more exercise although the diet is slipping a little so I need to kick that back into gear. Im a 41 year old male, with a reasonably healthy life, yes I could do with loosing a few pounds.

Today I went walking at lunchtime and it was a brisk walk. About half way round I felt funny. Don't know how to describe it. But I felt like my heart was working right. Then I had one of these flutters where it feels like my heart misses a beat. But slightly more intense than before like it happened twice in quick succession.

I stood around for a bit because the guy I was walking with had to pop in the shop. However I went very cold in my head and shoulders. But felt like I was blushing... I asked my friend if he thought it was cold in the shop which he replied with, yes its certainly not warm in here with their air con on.

We then left and walked back slightly slower. I was very uneasy about walking back as I was worried I was going to have a heart attack.

Nothing happened on route back.

However this afternoon I have been very worried about it and very tired to the point I can't keep my eyes open sometimes. Until I started writing this.

I've had no pains to speak of when any of this happens. It's just a very strange feeling like my heart misses a beat and that makes me panic and get hot and worried. I have no control over this and nothing seemed to cause it or equally nothing I do seems to stop it.

But I do know I've had 3 different doctors examine me now and they are all saying the same thing. But im finding it hard to believe them. Panic and anxiety should make me feel like this. So every time this happens I start to doubt the doctors.

I just don't believe them and im worried about dying from heart failure. It's very hard to explain.

Does anyone else relate to my symptoms. If I could at least find others that have the same issues as me we might be able to help one another.

Many thanks for reading. And all comments welcome.

21-08-17, 17:05
Hi all,

Im new to posting here but have been reading the forums for a while now.

About 9 months to a year ago, I had a strange feeling in my chest. My wife was out and I was sitting down to eat some home cooked Chinese food.

So I was alone at the time. My wife doesn't often go out without me, but I don't go out alot. I was looking forward to the food and TV too.

Anyway about half way through eating I got this strange feeling in my chest. If I had to describe it. It felt like my heart was missing a beat. There was like a pause in my upper body (mid chest) upwards for a split second.

This happened again a few second later. It happened a few more times over the next hour or some. I stopped eating after the second or third one and went outside as I was getting very hot too and panicking.

It didn't help much so I just took my self to bed early and eventually fell asleep.

This was much better by morning but not gone. By lunchtime of that day it was still happening and I was so worried I went to see my doctor. He checked me over and said my heart sounds fine and my blood and oxygen stats were ok too.

He asked me to come back in a couple of days and have an ecg done.

This I did which took about 10 minutes max. The nurse took the results to the doctor who came and saw me. He said everything was as he expected and my heart was fine.

It didn't feel fine to me. But he also did some blood work and sent that off which all came back fine. Low cholesterol and kidneys and liver all fine, thyroid all fine. Every test was fine.

He said he wanted me to loose a bit of weight but other than that I am health.

After a while and getting into a diet I was happy with. Everything settled down and I was fine.

Until about 6 weeks ago when it started to happen again. So much so I ended up in accident and emergency, where they strapped me to another ecg for testing.

Everything came back fine and the doctor there said apart from a slightly raise bloods pressure all is normal and that he thought I was having a panic attack.

He was going to right to my GP dr and tell them everything too.

So I went to see my GP, I have two. This was the other one from the first time. She did another ecg and another set of blood work. And also ordered a 24 hour ecg monitor.

Again all the tests came back good. All my ecgs have been fine and bloods the same.

She said its anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I am on medication for that now and I was getting better. I also started doing a lot more exercise although the diet is slipping a little so I need to kick that back into gear. Im a 41 year old male, with a reasonably healthy life, yes I could do with loosing a few pounds.

Today I went walking at lunchtime and it was a brisk walk. About half way round I felt funny. Don't know how to describe it. But I felt like my heart was working right. Then I had one of these flutters where it feels like my heart misses a beat. But slightly more intense than before like it happened twice in quick succession.

I stood around for a bit because the guy I was walking with had to pop in the shop. However I went very cold in my head and shoulders. But felt like I was blushing... I asked my friend if he thought it was cold in the shop which he replied with, yes its certainly not warm in here with their air con on.

We then left and walked back slightly slower. I was very uneasy about walking back as I was worried I was going to have a heart attack.

Nothing happened on route back.

However this afternoon I have been very worried about it and very tired to the point I can't keep my eyes open sometimes. Until I started writing this.

I've had no pains to speak of when any of this happens. It's just a very strange feeling like my heart misses a beat and that makes me panic and get hot and worried. I have no control over this and nothing seemed to cause it or equally nothing I do seems to stop it.

But I do know I've had 3 different doctors examine me now and they are all saying the same thing. But im finding it hard to believe them. Panic and anxiety should make me feel like this. So every time this happens I start to doubt the doctors.

I just don't believe them and im worried about dying from heart failure. It's very hard to explain.

Does anyone else relate to my symptoms. If I could at least find others that have the same issues as me we might be able to help one another.

Many thanks for reading. And all comments welcome.

Your symptoms sound similiar to what many with anxiety or especially health anxiety have.

If your looking at it from a physical aspect there are many things in the heart area that can make you believe its your heart when it is not. Examples of that are indigestion, gerd, hiatal hernia and others which are uncomfortable but not life threating. With that said when your anxiety kicks in from the sensations it only makes these and other symptoms worse.

Now from the mental side it could be you are physically fine but are fixated on the sensation or anticipating the sensations causing them to happen which is anxiety and stress.

Remember even thou it is scary thought and by far you dont want it to happen if something is wrong with your heart that it just is. (The added comfort is your Dr have not foun anything) so in that case you would believe that you are experince all this from anxiety.

Dont over stress your self with a heart attack. If it happens today, tomorrow. 10, 20. 30 etc years from now it just happens. You have no control over it. Live how you want live. Let the things happen that will happen.

In closing if you have most pr all the medical test done on your heart. It would be a positive that your heart is fine. Dont let what if rule your mind. Because it will if you let it or read to many strories on google or wherever.

Take Care. When in doubt see your doctor. When in doubt with anxiety do the opposite of what your mind tells you do.

21-08-17, 18:55
Thank you for your kind words and everything you say makes perfect sense. I feel stupid sometimes as I'm am an intelligence bloke but something in me says this is not right and there for the doctors must be wrong, or they must have missed something.

My symptoms are also difficult to explain. So I'm really / hoping to find others that might have had the same type of symptoms so I can discuss with them and see if there is a common thread there.

21-08-17, 19:19
All I'll say as a two time heart attack, triple bypass and stents along with angina survivor... three doctors wouldn't have missed it (.) period.

That being said, you have the opportunity to prevent future issues by getting on with your exercise program and eating a heart healthy diet.

There are pages and pages of similar posts about chest pains and anxiety. Treat the real illness and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

21-08-17, 19:22
I understand. I have had these symptoms before. You explained it in your post perfect. If you read what you wrote you can sense the anxiety ( of course). Reassurance may help you temporarily believe me but in the end acceptance will be your cure.