View Full Version : Migraine sufferers. Help?

21-08-17, 19:52
Hi guys so I have suffered from migraines for a number of years now. Chronically in the last 5 years or so.

This past week however my migraines have changed and it's causing me some anxiety. Last weekend on Saturday evening I had a 3 hour visual aura, well, I had like 6 to be precise. Each one lasted 30 minutes but came back each time between 9:30pm and 00:30am. I went to the hospital they looked in my eyes and said I was fine it was just migraines. But i never had that before.

Last night I had a 2 hour aura (separate auras) lasting 1 hour each then I woke up today with another one. I went back to sleep woke up and I feel dreadful. Genuinely poorly. Not sick or anything just like I've got a bug.

All week however I was having strange symptoms like a pain behind my left eye almost like a menthol sensation I believe they call it. Not conventionally painful but still painful in its own right. Numbness around my left cheek but not completely numb just seemed like my skin was thicker and I couldn't feel it AS much.

My question is does this sound familiar too anyone, and what is the longest your visual aura has lasted?

My worry is brain tumour or brain cancer, stroke something sisnister which is probably just my health anxiety but yeah, I've been off my food and everything the past couple weeks. Let me know 🙂

21-08-17, 20:27
The same thing happened to me a few years ago. I had never had an aura and I woke up with one that eventually led to blindness in my left eye. I then had the most excruciating headache of my life and ended up in the ER.

I saw a neurologist (as I always do when I have major changes in my migraines) and all was well.

Sometimes migraines just change. There could be a cause, but it is most likely something simple. For example, my migraines are stress/tension related and I had slept really funny the night before my really bad headache - my muscles and nerves were just all out of whack.

Are you sore? Sleeping differently? Have you seen your doctor or a chiropractor?

21-08-17, 20:39
I'm not sore just feel really out of it. I haven't seen anyone except ER doctor who said it was migraines. It's depressing me because I can't do anything without getting a migraine.

When u said it led to blindness do u mean permanent or just for the aura?

22-08-17, 04:02
Just for the aura - sorry, I didn't realize that sentence was poorly constructed! It was like there were blank spots in my vision. I also was having some stroke-like symptoms, like major difficulty talking and processing thoughts. It was actually very scary.

But, it was "just" a migraine. I'm well now.

What do you do right now for your migraines? If you get them frequently, have you and your doctor discussed preventative medications?

22-08-17, 09:42
I've had migraines my whole life, real knock-you-out-for-three-days types, but I only started getting aura in my mid-twenties. I'm not sure exactly how long mine last but sometimes it feels like an eternity and I don't always have a headache following, just feel crap.

It's no surprise you feel poorly, because they do take it right out of you. Like Poppy said, if you can't do anything without getting a migraine then you need to speak to the GP about preventatives. There are so many triggers. I have tons of food ones, also, alcohol, not enough sleep, stress, anxiety, tension, even over-excitement.