View Full Version : Spots on scalp

21-08-17, 22:01
This is quite a long post, so apologies.
Last Thursday I noticed a small nodule-like spot on the back of my neck, near where my hairline ends.
It was also very painful just above that, on the bone.
I also noticed two spots on my scalp, on the bone, so they felt very painful.
Went to the doctors on Friday morning and she said nothing to worry about and prescribed magnesium sulphate paste.
In the meantime, three spots appeared at the side of my forehead and, over the weekend, they became bigger and two more spots appeared below them.
I never had spots, but when I was 18, was diagnosed with body dysmorphia, after having an outbreak and not leaving the house for three months.
Anyway, these spots which appeared over the weekend have not disappeared, despite me using the magenisum and sudocrem.
The spots on my scalp were also burning, so went back to the doctors this morning and was given Doxycycline (antibiotics), as he said those were an infection.
I'm just wondering if anybody knows if the spots on my forehead are linked to the those on my scalp?
I have very bad anxiety, too, and am on sertraline 150mg, so wondering if the anxiety may have caused the spots.
The spots on my forehead seem to be bringing my body dysmorphia to get surface, as in I don't want to go out because I feel really ugly and that people will be staring at me and be disgusted.
Also, they look different in different mirrors, as in sometimes smaller and sometimes bigger.
Please can anyone advise?
Thank you.